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Hidden and Race Ideas.
So I've had a few ideas brewing in my head for like the past week. Figured I'd finally drop some of them. 

Bring back the Nagan and Arachne. Mostly the Arachne or hell make insect people on a whole. They could be a poison special race that leans more towards poison, earth, and bone magic.  I say bone magic cause exoskeletons are what insects have. 

They could have a unique racial or too that's like a trap where if someone runs in it they become rooted (or slowed) like a web. The webs could last like 1 minute. on the field. Making them hotspots for people to be careful to run through. It could be fun and cool. Lots of cool RP potential. I would also say that they should be in the Mire and such. 

As for the Nagan? Give them a constrict attack that wrapps them. Maybe spitting venom or a poison aoe. Some stuff that's melee focused. Or even a burrowing like spell? (An immune that has them underground? Or something like eviscerate?). 

Lore wise... you could say they are different children of Nyx possibly. It could be a 200 rpl rb too. These are all just some general ideas that could be fun to see and do and bring a freshness to these old races. I know some people are gonna say "You could play a mutant and flavor being these" and you would be correct. However I think it would add more to the Eternia experience to have races that aren't just a form of drakanite or beastkin. Hell you could make the insect types like siren that have three different races and have them each have one unique specific to that race of the insect. 
Stinnox race getting poison stuff
Arachne get webbing
Insecto people getting maybe a swarm spell? Something like tornado that follows an enemy around.

These are just a bunch of unorganized thoughts of mine. IF someone wants to add more ideas to this please feel free too. 

As for hidden ideas? 
I think racial hiddens need to make a return. I can't remember the last time I saw someone with the beastkin hiddens. 
Also I think it would be cool if the monsters got a hidden racial.

Like I think a mutant fullshift hidden where they turn into a monstrous mutant monsters like in Resident evil would be cool. 

A time hidden that takes the cd off of one of your spells randomly would be cool. 

Maybe some Achyon hiddens where they are more robotic and can do some cool stuff from it.
[Image: Ey453TpXMAEvpOq?format=jpg&name=large]

Why am I having a deja vu?
glad to be the first one to downvote this bad suggestion

i remember when someone suggested goblin as a race
i remember when someone suggested slime magic
now i can remember when someone asked for mutant fullshift

[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
well maybe if more mutants were less hot monster guys and girls, we wouldn't we porking them now, would we

i'm upvoting this idea.
(04-09-2021, 10:33 PM)Lloyd Durages Wrote: well maybe if more mutants were less hot monster guys and girls, we wouldn't we porking them now, would we

i'm upvoting this idea.

why are you like this in particular?
i for one fully support the idea of a Tyrant transformation for mutants.
(04-09-2021, 10:33 PM)Lloyd Durages Wrote: well maybe if more mutants were less hot monster guys and girls, we wouldn't we porking them now, would we

i'm upvoting this idea.
[Image: 652372559198945281.png]
(04-09-2021, 10:35 PM)InThePooPoo Wrote: i for one fully support the idea of a Tyrant transformation for mutants.

Just imagine like Nemesis or like William burkin. I always will think of mutants like this or something like Dr. Jekyl Mr. hyde
[Image: Ey453TpXMAEvpOq?format=jpg&name=large]

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