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Aertas Offspring: A New Future.
Mother: Sylva Aertas
[Image: ED7RM0k.jpg]
Quote:Magical Affinities: Poison/Illusion/Time/Wayfinding
Master Alchemist, Doctor, Wayfinding Practitioner, And Artificer. Born from a union of traitors, Sylva is a child that bears the mistakes and choices of those before her. Having ran away from the city that marked her as a traitor, she lives her life free as a bird. Exempt from the choices that had once been held above her. As her children, you'd be taught and expected to follow a similar path before you. Free to decide and learn from your own choices, she and your father will be there to guide you on the right path as best they can..

Your mother is a very dedicated and astute woman. Some might call her a bit crazy and reckless even. Or...a bit of a mad scientist. With a sort of selfish streak to boot. While a bit prickly at times and strict toward you, she'd no doubt be a kind and loving mother behind the scenes. Decades worth of experiences would add to any advice that she might give you on a variety of subjects you might want to ask. From alchemy, artificery, medic work, or even the complex art of Wayfinding, she has alot of accomplishments and achievements under her belt that she'd fully expect you to match or surpass. A master Alchemist at heart, she tends to spend most of her time on her research. But for her children? She'd always be there to lend a helping hand to whatever they might need. Even might take a bit of convincing to get her there..

Your mother fully expects you to forge your own path amongst the choices that come before you. Being a child of a different branch of the Aertas family no doubt will allow you to run in some conflict with the other branch. But alas, you'll be seen as a new beginning of sorts of the Aertas family. With how you lead it going forward? Being up to you and you alone..

Father: Haarper Aertas
[Image: tqGe4Xw.jpg]
Quote:Magical Affinities: Armed. Just....just armed.
Master swordsman and adventurer, your father would have been the beacon of nobility and bravery that was around during your childhood. As well as your most likely source of reasonableness and sanity given your mother's tendencies and attitude at times. Nevertheless, your father would be there to help and guide you throughout your childhood just as much as your mother would have been. With skills as a medic and master swordsman to boot, your father's connections to the nobility of Osrona and wisdom with the blade will no doubt be a boon to aid you on your journey. Being quite the swordsman, he knows a variety of techniques that he can pass on if you decide to take up his knowledge. Known as a hero to most of Osrona, you'll probably look up to him quite alot, depending on your views. And given his heroic nature? Picking up some of that bravado wouldnt be much of a surprise for any of his children.

-As an Aertas, a great deal of expectation will be placed upon you. While you are free to pursue whatever you desire, Sylva would be strict and make sure to ram into your mind the idea that you are better than the other children. You are free to take that however you would like. A bratty Aertas is certainly a possibility given your mother's demeanor.
-You will be apart of the second 'exiled' branch of the family. So you might not have access to things those dumb rich kids in Achyon might have. You WILL have access to two very knowledgeable parents and an excess supply of materials to help improve your alchemy and artificing craft though!
-The oldest child will be the boy while the youngest will be the girl. You are both named Dionte and Sophia respectively. Dionte will be playable in 1843 while Sophia will be playable in 1845 at thirteen years old. (Could potentially spawn in younger at ten if the admins allow it. In 1840 and 1842 respectively)
-Hair color and eye color are of your choosing. Given your mother had hazel eyes and brown hair and your father had silver eyes and hair. You can choose whatever combination you see fit or whatever matches any play by you like. You can even mix and match or have a different mix of colors. Aertas's are known to have white, black, silver, and brown hair. So it's up to you! Given that your mother has glasses and really bad eye-sight. You also might have inherited that too. Up to you though!
-You have an Uncle Ilias who would no doubt want to provide any guidance and wisdom you might desire. He's better at artificing than your mother, so...
-We will not accept alts. And prefer that you be active throughout your time playing. You don't have to get on every single day, mind you. But just be active!
-It's up to you what magic you can inherit and/or use. You might have a certain affinity for Poison or Illusion magic. As well as maybe Crystal. Energy or Sound. And of course, with your father as a master Swordsman, you'll also someone to teach you swordsmanship. When it comes to magic, the choice is ultimately up to you!
-You might be able to inherit the Aertas relic Asclepius and Haarper's sword Chameleos later down the line.
(Might do a third child if there is considerable interest. If there are any questions, please dm Ramen#4577 on discord!)
If anyone is interested, these two roles are still open!


I changed my mind with alts, so you are free to play them as an alt if you desire. Just as long as ur active! Thank u!



(yes I'm still taking apps <3)
I lied that wasn't the final update.

Both daughters have been taken. But Dionte remains an NPC until the end of time. Who will cure my woes and play my baby boy? Please oh please....don't let him become the NPC he doesn't deserve to be...

Either way, Sophia and the third child Cylia are taken. Dionte is still open and will be playable VERY soon! So pls oh pls send me ur app!(if you want too...)

I'll probably give the role to anyone at this point
Wait, what's that?

Do you want to be a direct descendant of Nero pyr Aertas himself, but you 1. don't like Achyon 2. the apps for the pyr Aertas are already taken?

Well then worry not, because my good friend Ramen here has the perfect solution!

You see, this guy named Cyril pyr Aertas had children with an anti-Achyon, pro-Barsburg lady (that's what people told me at least)! Sylva Aertas, one of their children, was apparently exiled from Achyon after the couple decided to betray Achyon! And as any normal person does, she eventually got married and had three children: Dionte Aertas, Sophia Aertas and Cylia Aertas! The latter which may or may not be yours truly.

Advantages (there's no jokes in this one I promise):

- you are the son of a family of renowned artificers, and you might inherit the weapons of your parents
- 1843 really isn't that far away, so you'll be able to play not in a long time!
- the pyr Aertas will spawn in roughly around the same time, so hey!!! that's more conflict for you. which is cool, i guess.
- alts are allowed!!!!!!!! just please don't afk on us


- There is actually none! Other than the fact that Osrona might lose the war, and, well, that's your home, as well as that... your dad is dead, so that's kind of a shame, depending on how you take it. I'm also one of your siblings, so that's an disadvantage, I guess.
in case you didn't get accepted for the zhrani kids, dionte's app is stil opeeennn...

Edit: nvm
It would seem Dionte is going to boarding school. How unfortunate...

It's okay though! Thank you for everyone who had interest either way. For now I will be closing apps. But if anyone ever becomes interested in playing my son in the future feel free to dm me on discord. I wish u all the best of luck with your characters and I hope to have fun rping with u.

Until then <3

EDIT: You're brother has been taken! He is not going to boarding school!

ANOTHER EDIT: False alarm. He has not been taken, he is still available. So yeah please dm me if interested! Thanks!

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