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Since it's universally agreed that nature is meh, and I fucking love nature, let's fix it up a bit.
Ygg, Summons, and Vine Whip are all perfectly fine. Forest Form is very strong. I'm not sure how Ingrain (15/33 self-root) stacks up to more modern heals but I'm sure it's fine.
Spores seems to have an upper limit of 8 spell damage, which you'll only get if it launches under good conditions. The slow that it's supposed to apply is either nonexistent (the icon appears) or extremely small.
There's a few ways to make it better, I think the most notable would be to give it a slight slow rather than whatever is going on with it right now? Maybe a slight range increase too. It also doesn't really need a 5?!? second or whatever charge time for how weak it is.
Deadly Bloom kinda sucks, in my opinion!!! The range is extremely low and they fire pretty slowly. I don't think their overall damage contribution is that high, just go in burst and leave and they'll never hit you. So a firing speed increase and a slight range increase would be cool. Something like that.
Mandrakes are cool, but they're fairly inconsistent. They'll sometimes waddle over to your enemy and hit them for a small amount of damage, or they'll just chill around you. Seems like the same problem that clone has? Not really sure what to do with these, but they're not great.
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I vouch and support this.
I also continue to support a separate (new) nature hidden where you summon like 3 immortal mandrakes
because mandrakes are adorable
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02-28-2021, 04:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2021, 04:29 AM by Sandshark.)
As someone who wants to play nature at some point, I fully agree with this. If Spores only does 8 damage then that's kinda bad. Most homings do 8 or more and spores can miss (I think? it has a max range or something that the clouds stop at doesn't it?).
Also summons have been buggy since the speed changes and I do wonder if they need a rework. Clone seems to waddle around at walking speed, and Mandrake has been bad since before then so it's already a worthless buy. I'd almost suggest removing it until it's fixed and adding something different but flavorful. Like a small PBAoE that blasts vines out at people Earth Spike style. Or something like Earth Trap that leaves little vines that snare people around the arena.
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Sorry i dont agree with this 'nature is universally bad' and I can prong this in both an objective and subjective argument.
Objectively, nature is a tree you can sink 65 rpp into and not have a single bad spell in that investment. This is a lot better than some of the trees in the game and so nature is average at minimum without even considering other factors.
Nature also has decent hidden auras, which other trees also lack.
Does nature have bad spells? Yes. Do they deserve to be buffed? Not really tbh. Why would I say something so controversial yet so brave?
1. A lot of trees have bad spells and they deserve priority (see why below)
2. There is no obligation to buy these bad spells and nature already has a lot quantity-wise compared to some trees
3. Most importantly. FUCK THOSE SPELLS. Nobody wants to see your roblox looking ass setting up a tower defence with mandrakes and deadly blooms and using spores like a combo homing slow to chew up people. Deadly bloom and mandrakes should be removed instantly, save -one- of them for a hidden and buff it. Spores..?
Okay fine we can buff spores. 8 damage would be fine but it should be more consistent.
Thank you for reading my hard to swallow pill.
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this does not read like a mimloopen post at all. u broke her. asking for nature buffs actually broke her
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I feel like the 70 rpp package of Ingrain, Whip, Vines, Forest Form, and Ygg isn't incredible compared to other trees. But it's also not exactly bad? Spores being improved is the best change to make here.
I also disagree with your second point. Yes there's a lot of trees with bad spells (sorry about shadow) but that's not a great argument. Every tree with bad or dead spells should get fixed up a bit. Like how Air Blast became Windcutter.
The final point is 100% true! The more passive playstyle of planting mandrakes and flowers and accumulating damage isn't exactly fun to play or play against. So if other spells were made to replace them, hell yeah.
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Deathly Bloom is a very good spell with the right set up, because it melts people if you stack it & lock them down. Especially if they're melee. However again, very niche situation. The spell is not that fun to use honestly, and while the idle spores are nice they don't do much anymore.
I think Deathly blooms & Yggdrasil could be combined into a mastery level spell. A massive tree that damages in an area around it. Offer itself some sort of protection. Buff accordingly to a Mastery level spell.
Also would be kinda fun to RP/Be perfect for a Nature Mastery.
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The issue that you aren't looking at, here, is that nature will not be someone's only tree. In a vacuum, if this were a one tree pure spec game? Sure! help it.
As it is, now? It is a supplemental tree. It is a support tree. It, on it's own, has no reason to have top tier of everything it can offer on it's own, especially when we have objectively struggling trees and nature is historically just like
when u put butter on a peanut butter sandwich as well, just for a lil treat