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Unlock Houses By Default
Every single purchased lot in this game is locked and every player knows damn well that every single lot in this game is not actually in use. There isn't even an actual reason to lock houses, since it's not like you can steal from their chests or anything. It just makes a bunch of doorways you smash into and are told that it's locked 3 times. 

There's also the fact that I am almost sure that most people, myself included, have lukewarm IQs and don't even know the new plot they purchased is locked and then are like : ( why is no one coming inside my shop. It's locked, genius. 

Default locking is STUPID. OPEN the DOORS let me INSIDE.
anvils can be used
so turn that off too this is unjust
but what if i want to let someone in my house and charge them 5k to use a gold anvil once

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