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Aertas House Party
[Image: unknown.png]

In what used to be a quaint family home, the inheritor of the Aertas legacy has decided to absolutely wreck the interior furniture beyond repair. What once used to be a sacred location that showed the union of his parents and immediate family, Julius pyr Aertas wishes to further desecrate their memory by damaging it even further! To that end, the man dubiously uses his position as Sergeant to extend the reach of his voice, letting all of the military and more know of his plans.

His plans for a house party.

In an all holds barred celebration for the death of Bruno pyr Aertas, Julius is using the man's own former home as the location for a party of epic proportions. There will be booze, and.. booze. And, partying! And, rowdiness to go around. The neighbors are going to blow a gasket over this! Here are the rules.
  • There are no rules.
  • If you aren't supposed to be here, you'll probably be killed.
  • Julius pyr Aertas will not be held responsible for any crimes he doesn't have a direct hand in.
  • Military are welcome!
The house party will take place on February 15th, at 8PM EST. You can find the house here.
1827 AC

And thus, did the event come. The house party kicked off with a speech from the man of the hour, Julius pyr Aertas. An important announcement given to as many people as possible, using the event to speak of the grim truth of Achyon's former councilwoman.

Quote:The stampede flooded into his family home, and Julius couldn't help but look onward with a wide grin. Everything that this place represented was about to be stomped on. The sanctity of their love and marriage, the family that they cultivated here. Their son had seized all of it, the problem child that persisted as a tumor despite all odds.

"Welcome! Welcome, everybody. Come on in!" the host's voice rang out. His attire was gaudy, lacking any subtlety. A golden crown with an over the top fur cape. Around them, the furniture was already wrecked. Chairs turned, a table flipped on it's side. Anastasia and Bruno rolled in their graves.

"If I could have the floor before you begin partying!" the party king requested of his subjects. "You're standing in my childhood home, the place where I grew up. That's right. Could you imagine? Little Titus and I, running around all over the place." He omitted a certain other sibling from this memory.

"And of course, it's the former home of Anastasia and Bruno pyr Aertas Boooo!" he paused, letting the crowd get out their emotions for a few seconds. "I know, he was the worst. But, you know what? Fuck it. I'll say it. I'll let all of you know, what went down."

He adjusted his cape. A glance was spared to his brother, eye contact that silently affirmed that he was about to shoot their reputations straight into the dirt.

"Anastasia pyr Aertas. My mother. A stellar councilwoman and scholar, or the memorial would have you think. But, it turns out that the news of her death wasn't the entire truth! Oh, no." He inhaled deeply through his nose, pushing his sunglasses up against the bridge of his nose.

"Anastasia begged Bruno to kill her. She just couldn't bare to live with what he did. And they had their 'final dance'. That's what happened, ladies and gentlemen! My dear mother, chose that traitor Bruno over the Empire and her children. Better to die in his arms than to continue living in this utter nightmare."

The truth was out. To set the stage for the destruction to come, he had to drop everything.

"So, you know what I say? Fuck them. To my mother who had no will to live, and took her disappointment of me to her grave. And, to my father who preached that family is everything, and went on to show me how meaningless it was. Love you, Titus. I just have one thing to say to you both! In your own home, from your least favorite son." Julius breathed in.

"FUCK! YOU!! Burn in Hel, both of you."

With that absolute bombshell of a speech being dropped, Julius sauntered over to the ale guy. He snatched a bottle, popping the cork and raising it up into the air. Triumphantly, he shouted.

"I am the king of this party! And, by my decree we'll run their legacy into the dirt! Let the party begin!"
(Julius pyr Aertas)

The Sergeant had decried Anastasia pyr Aertas as being a traitor to the Empire long after her death, setting the tone of pettiness right off the bat. Thus, after that bombshell of an announcement, the festivities were kicked off. A night of drugs, alcohol, and partying. It was enough that he had spit on their names, but he had turned their abode into a den of hedonism and destruction.

But, they could always go further. When the party came to an end, two Aertas brothers delivered the fate of their childhood home.

[Image: G4phXhwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png]

With the combined efforts of Julius pyr Aertas and Titus pyr Aertas (oh and also Natasha), their parents died here in spirit. The flames of magic consumed, seeking to expunge their stain.  The brothers stood and watched as it all burned down, bringing total destruction in a lightshow for all the partygoers to observe.

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