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Out of ones depth
[Image: tumblr_mo8oakbo4l1rdmvr5o1_500.gif]
Event Summary:

Magic permeates Eternia. It flows through the air like the wind, infuses itself into the earth and flows through the life giving rivers. It makes up an important part of every living creature, from the smallest blade of grass to the strongest magi. This mana, while free flowing and ever present, sometimes condenses into places that resonate with it. Over countless decades, this mana forms a stone of pure condensed energy, heavily aspected to one of the countless elements that making up creation. From the raging flames to the free flowing winds, these stones are incredibly powerful and potent in the right hands. They are pure mana in its most distilled form.

But sometimes the mana that constitutes these relics grow stagnant, and become corrupted by their surroundings, turning something that was made to create, into something that corrupts entirely.

And it creates a substance that Adrian craves for a creation of his own.

And so, after gathering his allies, Adrian sets out to the rumoured location of one of these stones in order to gather a piece for his plans. But such a corrupted relic attracts unwanted attention, and it will not be as simple as he hoped to retrieve it.

Character: Danteric/Adrian
Discord: Danteric#8940
Extra Attendees: Will post here.
Risk: dangerous. Perm me daddy.
Tone: Mysterious, Dark, magical
Rewards: To be discussed with the DM
DM: Ludi
Time/Date: TBD
Additional Information: N/A

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