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Tomb Raiding!
The archaeology finals are coming up, and students must plan trips to bring back things of value. So naturally, Alkhea has found a tomb which she believes is full of goodies, that's probably unowned, and also probably not full of creatures and traps.

Character/Key: Alkhea - Curiosity Maximus#1082

Attendees: 4 or 5 people max. Archaeology students, or people Alkhea knows somewhat.

Tone: Adventure.

Risk: COI.

Rewards: Dev mats.

DM: Seeking!

Preferably, it'd be best if this could be done before the due date of the finals; February first. But maybe the teacher won't mind if we're overdue.
Jericho's there if Alkhea doesn't snag any others
Ok so just saying

What if the man who broke your arm joined :flushed:
Trife will show, not that he has much of a choice.

Discord: BigBossRabbit #4478
Still looking for a DM.

With every day that goes by we get closer and closer to the due date.

ill do it. 7pm est sunday
amara bullwark is going too if alkhea allows it

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