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A hidden book vault under Osronian church
A walk to dusty book archive of Osrona
[Image: c4fca34b7afce11fca84805a053420b4.jpg]

This time Jack is looking to expand his collection of books for reader's corner in House of Wonders café. During the fall of Osrona, a long time ago, he happened to know about a locked vault where books and manuscripts were stored. When Osronian cathedral was reconstructed, some writings left in that archive. Writings by Jovan Novak were among them. Jack had some books by this author and now he wants to reprint them. He assumes that they are entertaining, and some of them are inspiring. Some acolytes of Osronian church may benefit from attending such archive too, probably. Jack really needs agreement from Osronian Stellus and someone's help to move table and open hatch to book vault.

Reward: not much for me, really. I have notes by my previous character, Jovan Novak, and I want to acquire them in character and then publish them. I will share my dev notes about Holy with those who accompany. Maybe, some Holy dev for attendees too.
Risk: What can be in that locked archive inside a public Osronian Cathedral? (Minimal risk, but it may be changed)
Time: about 17:00 - 19:00 GMT at workdays, at weekend I have more time. EST does not fit me well.
Count me in, I want to learn holy

HMU on discord cause i cant join the eternia discord : Locke#7713
"Cosmo is excited to join as long as the chance of being squished is low!"

- Cosmo Littlepuff
It's a low risk event, intended to bring life to community of Osronian acolytes.
Anyone will be fine to DM this. Just, make sure that evening on GMT time is comfortable for you.

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