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The Burned Martyr
(i am literally just ripping off the fallout: new vegas honest hearts DLC take that as you will)

During the ever escalating war between Achyon and Osrona, various skirmishes take place between their opposing militaries as the Empire vies for more territory in their conquest of Esshar. This story begins during an attack mounted against a small village along the outskirts of Osronan borders. Expected to be an easy claim, the Empire assigned the Captain Lusius Honoratus to oversee this mission.

Except, things didn't quite go as expected. The Knights of Osrona were hiding in this village, unnoticed by the Empire's scouts. Secretly biding their time until an attack was to take place, the Empire marched on the village to be met with an unexpected comeuppance. The element of surprise worked in their favor, as all of the Captain's men were either imprisoned or slain in this bloody conflict.

There was a sole survivor. Captain Honoratus survived the failed mission, reporting back to Achyon with the news of his defeat. He was immediately imprisoned and stripped of his status. To show the people of Achyon the Empire's zero tolerance towards cowardice and defeat, an example was to be made of Lusius Honoratus. Public execution. He was doused with napalm and lit on fire in the middle of the city streets.

[Image: karim-abdel-hamid-creepy.png]

After the burning was finished, his husk was tossed into the waste filled waters near the city's workshop. It's become somewhat of an urban legend among the laborers of Achyon that Captain Lusius Honoratus actually survived his vicious burning, and still roams the sewers to this day. More recently, a sewer cult has sprung up worshipping the 'executed' Captain as their martyr, with the man himself supposedly being at the center of it.

Character: Julius pyr Aertas

Additional attendees: Titus pyr Aertas, Xenia pyr Docro, Dia, Charlie

Tone: Sewer Cult, the Empire, Fire

: Chance of Death

Reward: Up to DM

Bump, last DM dropped but we have a full roster lined up waiting to do this!

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