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Upon Frail Wings
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 It was never a simple thing. They say the more you fixate on illuminating the uncertainties in front of you, the more darkness swells up at your back. When you least expect it, it’ll push you over. You’ll be consumed by it. Nothing will remain of you, or at least…

The ‘'you’' that everyone once knew.

Isn’t that what happens when you’re all alone in the world?

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Tomorrow, the day after that, and far into the future, what can I do for my people? I’ve never wanted to be a hero, but I guess you don’t need to be a hero to help.

Sometimes it’s enough to just understand.

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There are thousands of people out there like me who are imperfect, not chosen by the stars, and don’t have a single thing going for them. Even when I become Stellus someday, I’ll never be a woman worth revering. My position won’t make me any less flawed nor will it absolve my sins.

But that’s fine— I’d rather stand on the same level as everyone else so that I can still understand them. So that they can understand me, too.

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I never cared about how others saw me so long as I could still save them. I don’t think you need to be special to change the world. Being a noble, the offspring of a legendary warrior, or anything else of the sort won’t change the quality of your character nor the purity of your soul.

So why is it that ordinary people are often overlooked before they can reach their potential?

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Countless little lights coming together will always be greater than a singular one. The night sky would be empty, the forest would be pitch black.

That’s why both fae and the stars are beautiful.

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Even if a light strays, I’ll connect it with the others. Not a single light, no matter how small, will be forgotten.

I can’t save everyone, but I’ll do my best. I’ll help everyone see how much those forgotten lights can shine.

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Because, in the end, they could become brighter than any other.

…that’s how it should be, isn’t it?

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She prayed with perfect posture. She was like demon an angel to all who looked up to her. She couldn't avert her gaze.
"She benevolently wished for humanity's salvation." "She led them into the depths of Hel indiscriminately."

Though merely an orphan, she wanted to become a relatable woman some day.
One who could help others see their worth no matter their social status.
Not as a hero, but as someone who understood.

They blindly believed in her.
They blindly loved her.


"How laughable!"
"How strange..."

Rather than kneeling, she rose to stand on her own two feet with pride.
Losing everything was all it took to finally find herself.
She seeks to become her own God.

They blindly believe in her.
They blindly love her.

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"Isn't that how it should be?"
"They all gave up saving me."

The priestess guides blindly devout citizens who sing praises of her without question.
But the stars are blind, and so was she.

"I've always hated people like that."
The self-righteous and naïve.

The outlaw who seeks to become a God herself is arrogant, yet still their hearts are swayed.
Her obsession leads solely to destruction.
Her own.

"Is being admired really that simple...?"
Whimsical, determined, cruelanxious...
"Soon, I'll finally be perfect!"
. . .
"The only one I need is myself."
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Torn apart
I still remember the day I first looked into those red eyes.
On that day, the life I'd always known came to an end.
I called you a monster. You took everything from me.

You gave me so much more though, didn't you?

I can't abandon you. I never could.
The day you killed the Commander, I followed you.
I left precious pieces of the life you'd given me behind.
My friends. Just like how I once lost my family.

I don't think they ever understood why.
I wonder if they've given up on me as well.

When asked not long ago, you promised me you'd never die.
I was afraid of being left alone. But...

Now I'm all alone.

Did you know? I'm the woman who's going to become a Primordial.
Even if it means destroying everything.

I was always certain that if anyone could conquer death, it'd be you.
The world's going to be much different without you around.
We were supposed to change the world together.

I can't stand it.

Why did you break your promise and leave me alone?
Please... Come back...

Don't leave me alone.
I'm scared.

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