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A Message To The Dragon Scale Café: How Much For a Handy?
[Image: f1f59c00acff46d5936737f3c2453d0b.jpg]

A box would be dropped in front of the Cafe's entrance by a travelling merchant, those who open it's contents would find a severed hand, with blood still fresh on it. It appears to be neatly wrapped in a silk napkin; once picked up, underneath it appears to be a letter, neatly sealed as well.
Quote:I have your friend, Blyth. This is proof that he may or may not be alive. Prepare me thirty thousand coins for his return or the next thing I'm sending will be his head. You can blame your little whore Priya for me to go this far. You insulted me, but I am not one to easily forgive or forget.

P.S: How much for a handy?

ooc: write your reply here or send me an ic message - i may not be ig much but i'll take responses here as IC too.
[Image: Cr2U2VlWgAA7QcL.jpg]
A letter is sent back, wrapped in the same napkin that was sent.
Cute you think I have a morality. If it was my personal decision, I'd tell you to off him. As he doesn't matter to me at all. However for the sake of the others who care about his wellbeing. Give them five months starting from the arrival of this letter. Once the time is up, execute him how you see fit. Keep his head too, place it above your fireplace as a trophy. Since that's where your head will soon lay. --Until our next meeting... Try and live for me to get the satisfaction of your death.
Another message would be sent. 

Unlike the man before me. I do not know Blyth and i honestly cant say we are close. But i will not allow his death to come way. You will get your coin. Only cowards turn their back on those who stood by them for years.


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