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Selene's Cat Salem!
[Image: 3b6nOw4.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mhmfq0snpV1rgpyeqo1_400.gif]
The cat known as Salem, that was seen with the Felinae Selene was once a regular pet. Without much care for everyday occurrences they would idly follow Selene throughout the years. Enjoying meals and was given a home. They were treated well enough, if not loved with all her heart. Since their meet from Salem's purchase. The two seemed inseparable aside from the occasional pass off to a child or when Salem wandered off on their own. To do most of which to Selene knew nothing of, possibly just the occasional trek around to see what noises and sights they could observe or hear. However that was all until recently...

A recent travel to an unknown village, that to all seemed to house something Dark. Along with an unknown presence that took interest and took possession of the Cat's body. Without Selene's knowledge Salem had been possessed. However it seemed the possessor had failed in fully taking any real control over Salem, but merely existed within it's body. Thus allowing Salem to gain a few tricks... The ability to Shapeshift from Cat to(Beastkin[Felinae] Form) and Cast Magic as well as Speak.

A Sentient Cat
What is Expected of You?

[*]Loyalty to and Protective of Selene.

[*]To be an active part of Selene's Life. Not to get the role and then AFK! Please.

[*]Primarily have fun! Enjoy the life of playing a Cat and so on!

[*]Since you're now not just a regular Feline. You can now strive for things like Plans and Goals that also correspond with Selene's!

[*]Follow Selene pretty much everywhere!


[*]You will be able to Shapeshift from the sprite of a Cat to that of a (Beastkin)Felinae!
[*][*]You will be able to Roleplay Speaking instead of just actions within red text. White say text is also something you can do obviously!
[*][*]You will be able to Cast Magic! Meaning buy Spells and so on!
[*][*]You may start at any age it's up to you! Primarily the ages 13 to 18 due to the Shapeshift.

[*][*]Apply Here, If you're interested!
Have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at Absence#3585!
“A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... I want to line the pieces up... yours and mine.”
[Image: E5pyTrX.gif]
Applications will be closing on December 2nd! Wensday. Hoping to see more applicants and everyone will be considered fairly! Please and thank you. Please shoot me a message should you have any questions!
“A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... I want to line the pieces up... yours and mine.”
[Image: E5pyTrX.gif]
One Day Remaining!
“A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... I want to line the pieces up... yours and mine.”
[Image: E5pyTrX.gif]

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