11-03-2020, 05:09 AM
Time for another crafting-tree suggestion thread!
- Keeping items Pristine should have an ore cost, preferably a percentage of the cost of the weapon. Each tier of weapon requires an artificer of the same tier to repair it; i.e. a Mythril sword requires a T2 artificer.
- Armour should also require to be kept pristine.
- There should be a greater malus to having un-maintained armour/weapons to encourage people to keep their weapons well maintained; this makes the Artificing tree a little more long term profitable, like alchemy.
- Artificer should gain two types of consumables; Whetstones (which cost more ore than a artificer repair, but have multiple uses) and Armour Maintenance Kits (same as Whetstones.) These can be used by non-artificers to Pristine their items, and -as mentioned above- have multiple uses. Each tier of artificing should have one of these, for the respective tier.
- The Forger and year that a weapon was forged should be automatically applied to a weapon.
- People who have the Masterwork ability should be able to assign a custom [UNIQUE]-esque tag to mark their pieces as being made by a famed Artificer; i.e. a weapon made by Dun Task might be [DUNFORGED].
- A specialisation is a mutually exclusive buy in by a T1 crafter to reflect a them as being a master in a certain area of their craft. Should probably cost RPP.
- Armourer: Makes all forged armour automatically have the 'Uncommon' property applied to it. Maybe gives access to cheaper armour; i.e. a Mythril chestplate that can be made with 4 instead of 6 mythril to reflect advanced make on the normal forging process.
- Weaponsmith: Makes all crafted weapons automatically have the 'Uncommon' property applied to it. Perhaps grants access to cheaper weapons, akin to what was suggested above.
- Runewriter: Runes that cost less energy, or perhaps slightly better runes, stat-wise.
- Transmuter: Unlocks recipes to transmute ore into different kind of ore; higher quality transmutations to lower quality give greater quantity, and vice versa. Perhaps the ability to transmute rarer ores into special, transmuter only ores.
- Potioncrafter: Gives potions longer durations, or greater effects.
- Herbalist: Makes medical-based Alchemy recipes more effective; i.e. Lax Essence that relieves 75% of a temp, etc. Lock the White Oil recipe behind this.