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Thunder and Lightning
[Image: 1EoHi0e.jpg]

Character name: Sej'rin Toriya
Extra attendees: Favi Ixtan
Objective: Pestered by the young psychopath of the Ixtan Family, Sej'rin finds himself coaxed into taking his cousin to a shrine used for a supposed Thunder God. Given that his cousin is a sarradian who took a liking to Lightning just as he has, he decided it would be interesting to investigate the shrine. Favi kept rambling on and on about an offering to the God, rumored to be named Shan'umo. As the two depart to the shrines grounds they feel electrified and lighter than before. Was this really wise?
Tone: Mystical, Traps, Scary
Risk: COI
Reward: Lightning based items, coin.
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