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Technomancers NEED YOU!
[Image: ni4fhho.jpg]
The new technomancer banner. 

Around the city comes and goes the strange technomancers from the nearby guild. Those odd little beings who seem as machine-bound as your usual synthetic, but instead of operating under the task of handing out flyers to civilians who seem remotely interested and posting them around boards of the city. 

Then comes blaring the speakers of the city, voice by the leader herself. Finally calling out with a pleasant tone in her voice, announcing that YES! Recruitment is finally open and to speak to your current divisional head today!

After reading through one of the handed flyers, which goes over the basic roles of these two new divisions and the recruitment process, then indicating that further items will come later.

Citizens of Achyon! 
Do you too hate the weak feeling of flesh? Do you lack purpose in life and want to serve under the coalescence and become one of its servants? Are you perhaps a sober enough artificer who wishes to serve a higher power beyond enchanting weaponry and armor? Are you a doctor that wishes to do more than fix up people and want to learn the basic to synthetic anatomy? 
Fear not! As the iron patariarch and their two new divisions amongst her guild shall serve you well. Keep reading for more information! 
The divisons and roles of the guild! Also the recruitment process!
The Iron Patriarch: 
The head of the guild itself, Often a senior technomancer amongst the ranks who took the ultimate jump into leading the organization. Formally a master of a division too. However, It’s often required they be skilled in both the arts of the flesh mending and engineering. While they don’t often get involved in the projects directly, They’ll often oversee and handle the task of dealing with the high council of the city. 
Head of the division, Medicus/Artifex:
A technomancer picked out from the lot by the patriarch themselves. Often being one of the competent of the division, They are granted authority to deal with the bodies underneath their watch or shoo off any prospects who either don’t make the cut or have no use underneath the guild. They respond directly to the patariarch and are handed down projects to pass to their respected divisions to work on. They're also granted autothirtal permission to deal with pensive and dissent amongst their team.
Medicus Division staff:

Division head: Amelia Locke pyr Aertas
These are the primary doctors and alchemists of the technomancer guild, or those who wish to become licensed medical doctors and tend to the wounded around the city. With the assistance of the alchemists, They’ll be able to concoct such goods like potions or strength boosting items. They’ll also be responsible for working with the artifex division in terms of installing augmentations with others.

Artifex Division Staff:

Division head: To be announced
Technomancers hand picked to take on the dangerous tasks such as maintenance of the city and the tools they use. Anything engineering and mechanical will be in their standard work detail, from cleaning and repairing mechatitans to using the fabricators to produce weaponry and armor for soldiers. If there’s ever a large project in need of creation, This will fall under their detail. Often needs to work with the medicus in terms of augmentations and upgrades for soldiers. 

Not officially technomancers until they’ve joined up with a division. Instead, these serve as grunts of the guild. Often tasked with collecting materials for official technomancers, making runs for supplies or being used as fodder for scientific experiments. Everyone starts here until they’ve been selected by a division leader or the iron patriarch herself. 

Short and simple, You’re a mere prospect and often are tasked by those deemed official technomancers until you prove your worth.
Recruitment process:

Citizens who wish to join the ranks of the technomancer guild need to prove loyalty to the city first. While joining with the military force is a big plus, People are often vouched by the divisional heads or the iron patariach themselves are often given a pass. After that, You are given some time in the shoes of a prospect to prove your worth until a division head decides to play you under their watch, Thus making you an official technomancer.

However, All freshly recruited prospects will have to go through the divisional heads first, or if need be. The iron patriarch, If the interview is conducted by the divisional heads, Then the patriarch themselves must stamp an approval.

This is a big responsibility! Over time as you prove your worth, You’ll be granted more and more permissions and upgrades by the patriarch herself. To the line of even earning a direct link to the coalescence itself, however that’ll take a number of years to accomplish. 

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