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Flame against Flame
[Image: KWUM9TA9k4zvhMueOBDOo9njtP8dPUngJfmeS3KL...wRRGCBaLPD]
“Was it a message or the biggest mistake of your life?”

Rather swiftly after a particular interaction with at least two current Dragonlords, rumors begin to swirl rapidly on the agreement set forth between them and the youngest of the Docro dynasty. It takes some days for an official word to reach every corner of Esshar itself, a proclamation that is as bombastic and theatrical as the person who sent it.

FRIENDS! ENEMIES! And everyone else I guess.
Light Suzu, a Drakanite that hails from the Fireblooded decided to send a message to our beloved Family by breaking my Aunt Misha’s hand! An old Razuka who only just wants to enjoy her sunset years. Savagely beaten down outside of her home?! Not on my watch. Nobody messes with my family, especially someone like you.

I already caught you once, dragon boy.
But this time? It’s official.

I hereby CHALLENGE you to an honor duel on the Dragon’s Gauntlet. I’m playing for keeps! If I win you stay the HELL away from Achyon AND my home as well as give me FIVE THOUSAND COINS for damages! If you win? Well. That was never in the cards. If you people are betting men, you know which one to bet on.
See you in the blood pit.

It comes from none other than Ryker pyr Docro himself. Along with that official declaration comes a strongly worded suggestion for people to place their bets. Specifically, with Luca pyr Docro.

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