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The Archipelago - Saturday, 6PM EST
Itoxual intends to come. Even with a broken leg.
Vredas feels like going.
Chances are that Ter will be attending.
Katash will be there with a blast!
A gathering of Moxtli tribesmen brave the isles, their shamans cleansing the restless spirits lain within.

[Image: v4Bxvb8.png]

[Image: cannibals.png]

The Deep Company sets out in campaign for treasure, and instead find a vestige of their forlorn practices.

A piece of the deep one's heritage rests within their grasp.

[Image: zG6rqCi.png]

And though there's strife for the spoils.

The blight is purged.

In time, the fauna will return to its usual flow.

Thank you all for playing!

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