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It was only a matter of time, of course. Did you think you could get by simply on rumors whispered in dark alleyways?
There comes a time in every Ookami's life when he looks in the mirror, straightens up his pinstriped pettycoat, makes sure that his ears are properly shaved for the noble outings, and asks himself, 'what is it that I want from life?' Well, I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say that all of us, everyone here, wants the truth. No, not that truth! The other truth. You know, the one that makes you swell up inside with whatever emotion you prefer at the moment, whether it be mild amusement or unbridled rage? Yeah, yeah that's the truth I'm talking about.
But just how do you get this truth, I hear you scream, I hear you cry? Well, do not worry, for I have the solution for you.
Let me show you.
![[Image: d195300af0674d9dabb6a8f28d36293e.0.jpg]](
Oh my, but isn't that formatted wonderfully!
Circa 1661, in the early times of the year, before the harvest.
-The Pelleaux's Gala, crashed?!
-Discourse in Sudbury: A Riot?
-Sofia ven Pelleaux, and her REAL role in all of this?
Quote:The Pelleaux's Gala, crashed?!
That's right, everyone. The word currently rocking the streets from Sudbury to the Crown Authority is that the party that the Pelleaux estate held in celebration of their nobility, in which the other noble houses were invited, was crashed!.. If you could call it that. It seems that while a myriad of angry peasantfolk, entertainers, and even a few invited guests attempting to force their way inside through the guardsmen, it provided ample opportunity for another group to get their way inside through uncertain circumstance. While the nobles bickered and feasted, there were reports of a rumbling noise from the household. While immediately thought to be fireworks, the festivities were quickly replaced with horror and what can likely only be considered to be absolute carnage. Many, many servants have been seen purchasing replacement tapestries and furnishings, and a few have even been seen removing ink-covered niceties out of the buildings over the last month or so.
Eye-witnesses report hearing a chant near the end of the Gala, calling out to, or for, our most irrevocably handsome and wonderful Exarch Knight Elijah Soleis. Perhaps one should seek him out, if they're more curious about the happenstance of what exactly happened at the Pelleaux Gala?
Quote:Discourse in Sudbury; A Riot?
It's not a surprise that the residents of Sudbury, since the massive influx of Rhoynish labor, have been unsettled and upset with their current living style. Many of them openly speak of things that would get most law-abiding citizenry arrested, and the mere mention of the First Light is enough to start a chain of arguments that would continue until I was blue in the face, aha! Recently, however, there's been rumors of a mass brigade of arrests, be they legitimate or not, coming from that area of Osrona. It sounds as if the nobility and the military are starting to take a more severe stance against the downtrodden and weak, and it sounds as if things are becoming rather unstable in our dear Sudbury.
In news related to this article, there's rumors that our Exarch Elijah and our Paladin Atrosus single handedly quelled a rebellion of ten magi and fifty non magi. In the wake of this 'riot', a good number of people were hauled off to prison, and a good number more were left to flee with their trails between their legs. This reporter notes seeing a few of the arrested party walking the streets again, however.
I wonder what kind of bargain they struck to get out of a capital crime?
And tonight's HIT STORY,
Quote:Sofia Pelleaux takes a stand, and her REAL role in all of this?
Over the course of the last year or two, one would be hard pressed to have NOT heard of this inspiring young noble woman, Sofia ven Pelleaux. In fact, just earlier this very evening, this reporter witnessed her and the Exarch Sparda in a battle of words amidst the common folk, taking place in the central region of the city, Osrona's beautiful park. While we aren't entirely sure what caused this debacle, both sides made it increasingly clear that the current state of the First Light is seen with caution and a squinted eye, and they even had one Cadet to make an example of. Indeed, a purple haired, nameless Cadet was forced to kneel at swordpoint and apologize to Sofia's face, although it appears that both Exarch Sparda and Sofia were more than unimpressed with his attitude, and even in this position, he spoke as if he were the ven Pelleaux's better, only apologizing after proper accosting.
While many may overlook such a thing, one must ask themselves a question in a situation like this; Do the Exarchs, the Radiant, and all of the First Light truly have control over their Knights, or have they let their powers go to their head? While they may be the greatest force of justice in the city, it makes one question why they almost seem above the law, for indeed if any of the common folk had done similar to the crimes the purple-headed lad was being accused of, they'd have been hauled off to a cell to await punishment.. But a mere apology upon their knees is enough? Furthermore, why was a Constable arrested for attempting to break up a spar between two Knights in the street, when several peasantfolk were arrested for doing the same?
Regardless, it sounds as if, at the very least, Exarch Sparda and Sofia ven Pelleaux are aimed and poised to attempt to reclaim the Knights and turn Osrona into a city worth respecting once more.. Though with the way they speak, the way they act, one can only question if they have the best intentions for Osrona in mind, or the best intentions for themselves.
That's all we've got for today, friends..
But be sure to check back in every single day for a potential new edition of the Discourse Headlines. We aim to bring you the current ongoings of Osrona, straight from the word of the people and Osrona's citizenry. While we try to be unbiased, there is always room for improvement; And if you think something was reported inaccurately, find Discourse to get a small article printed with corrections in the next edition.
Be sure to check out the next edition, of course, because we have confirmed an interview with the Radiant Atrosus Vandigan, asking hard hitting questions about the current political climate and the state of the Osronan streets.
Until next time, friends.
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So there's been a small change of plans..
I know in the last edition I promised you a once-in-a-lifetime interview with the Radiant, Atrosus Vandigan, but as it turns out, both he and I are extraordinarily busy men. However, in place of him, I managed to snag an interview not only with the noble girl Sofia ven Pelleaux, but also with the Exarch, Elijah Soleis! Very exciting, I hope. I'm also very pleased with the sheer amount of feedback I've gotten from this newsprint. Indeed, many people are noticing who I am in the streets, and many benefactors are already offering their assistance to my goal. So long as I have food to eat, a place to sleep, and the truth to seek, I'll always be out there looking after you, Osrona.
Because I care about you, a lot. But don't take that the wrong way, now, you hear me?
But really, how much WAS Atrosus' hammer?
Discourse Headlines
Circa 1661, in the later half of the year - During the harvest.
-Syndicate in Sudbury: A Festival of Chaos!
-Slumdog Slavery - Indentured Servitude, for life!
-The Pelleaux Estate versus The First Light!
Quote:Syndicate in Sudbury: A Festival of Chaos!
The Festival that took place recently, offering fun and good times to anyone who did not consider themselves part of Osrona's nobility, was certainly a fun time for everyone. Many of the people there engaged in song and dance, ate strange and exotic foods, and conversed amidst themselves for quite some time. While obviously not anything overly fantastic, and despite many people saying that it seemed incomplete or unplanned, one could argue that a very large portion of Osrona's lower and middle class showed up to attend, even if only for a few moments. However, that also applies to a certain unwanted- or perhaps, now, WANTED? - group, the Syndicate. They arrived quickly and made their presence known nigh immediately, proselytizing their organization and offering to the downtrodden and weak that "they are there for them, and will welcome them with open arms." Despite the fact that combat broke out nearly immediately between off-duty Knights and Watchmen, desperate to remove the Syndicate presence, it appears quite a few commonfolk shared positive opinions, shouting out that they supported the terrorist group and even going as far as attempting to join them.
This reporter barely got out without his tail being singed completely off by a wayward fireball, but this only begs the question; Is the political climate within Sudbury and the lower class this poor, or was this an isolated incident? With the Syndicate constantly putting pressure on public events, one can only wonder how, when, and where their next assault will be.. And perhaps one should be advised to keep further gatherings privately advertised, just in case.
Quote:Slumdog Slavery - Indentured Servitude.. For Life!
Following up on a report from our last issue of the Discourse Headlines, this reporter has managed to get a few official statements about the Sudbury peasantry who were arrested, but shortly after were seen walking the streets once more. As it turns out, while originally slated for execution, several of the arrested parties instead opted to give themselves up for indentured servitude to the First Light... Permanently. Their lives are forfeit in the hands of the Order of the First Light, and as long as they serve the Knights, they keep themselves alive. This offers a few curious, and almost scary prospects to anyone arrested, or anyone who finds themselves on the wrong side of the First light, in the future.
Following this report, I, Discourse, managed to score an interview with the Exarch, Elijah Soleis. The following is the Exarch's response to the idea that the citizenry were being forced into slavery, just as many consider the Rhoynish to be forced into slavery. His opinion has been edited for easier viewing, but the integrity of the comment has been kept mostly in tact.
"How do you feel about the fact that those arrested in the Sudbury riots are now being forced into labor and slavery, offering their lives in exchange to avoid death, just as the Rhoynish are forced into servitude for their entire lives, often in very poor living conditions?"
Elijah had this to say:
'It isn't slavery, as you can work your way out of being an indentured servant(though he also mentions not knowing whether or not, in other civilizations, if one can work themselves out of slavery). The Rhoynish are only one reason that Sudbury is in such dire straits. They provide cheap, free labor and those that don't serve their time as indentured servants often turn to crime, instead. He dislikes how people in Sudbury, and how Sudbury as a whole, is treated, especially when many of them have worked hard and have even joined the First Light. Not everyone in Sudbury is a thief or Rhoynish bandit. However, he also recognizes that at the end of the day, it's not his call to make. Whatever Queen Ariande Petrakis asks of him, it's what he will do, because he serves as her sword and doesn't pretend to be anything greater. If you'd ask him whether he'd put ten thousand people to the stake as opposed to forced, life-long service, he'd not have a true answer for you. "It's not my call to make."'
When asked if he had anything else to add onto his comment, he replied with this:
'Remember who the nobility truly are; People who performed deeds so great the crown itself saw to grant them the status. Before then, they were just like you and me. They come from commoners, and any noble who thinks they're a different class of person isn't noble to begin with. They're someone born into it, who doesn't deserve it. Respect the title, but judge the person as any other.'
While it's nice to have an opinion from someone directly involved in such a thing, it also is enough to make someone worry about exactly how much say in things the First Light has. At the end of the day, it is up to the people of Osrona to decide whether or not this is a fitting punishment, whether or not we want to subject our people to the same punishments that the Rhoynish have been given for the Conquests. Is this Slavery, Osrona, or is this justice?
It should also be noted that another Exarch, one 'Nemein Sparda', has been seen practically boasting about the fact that they now have an 'indentured servant', seeming very smug and happy to have someone toil to their will as opposed to only having Knights at their disposal..
And tonight's HIT STORY...
Quote:The Pelleaux Estate versus the Order of the First Light!
As we're all aware, duels between nobility are decided, always, between two champions. Such is the case, much to Lady Sofia ven Pelleaux's dismay, in an honor duel between the aforementioned Lady Pelleaux and Gerald d'Arnette. While Sofia seemed more than willing to step into the arena and settle things herself, d'Arnette immediately made his way to the Radiant Atrosus Vandigan and employed him as his champion in the duel. This raises some questions; Is this kind of behavior valid, or is it only smart thinking in finding the strongest person who will champion you? Should the Order of the First Light, especially a man such as Radiant Vandigan, willingly go up against a sixteen year old girl, or her champion, a felinae maid, in good conscious? Does this not go against what the Order is all about?
These questions were asked to a few people, and these are their responses.
"How do you feel about the fact that Atrosus is accepting d'Arnette's request to champion him in a duel, given his rank, and the fact that his opponent is either a young noble girl or a felinae maid?"
Miss Teatime had this to say:
"I'm not scared, and I'm only doing what is required of me for my master. I think it's a bit strange that Atrosus would actively agree to a duel against a sixteen year old girl, especially given that she is a noble."
Exarch Elijah Soleis had this to say:
"It's beneath his rank. What kind of message does choosing to fight a young teenage girl on behalf of someone else, especially against House Pelleaux, send about the First Light? We stand with Grimmore, Pelleaux, and Astor as their sworn protectors. If Lady Pelleaux called on me to defend her instead of Teatime, I'd do so, not because I'm a follower of hers, but because I'd want to send a message that the First Light is not united in Vandigan's stance."
Sofia ven Pelleaux had this to say:
"I find it interesting how quickly he purchased that new hammer after he challenged Gerald D'Arnette. There's no ill will to the man himself, except disappointment that Vandigan would support the D'Arnette family in any capacity, but there's no real discourse with his choice to oppose me in the opposite side of the duel. The true fault of bringing Atrosus into this is with Gerald, bringing a wizened martial expert of a Knight against a sixteen year old girl."
When asked why ven Pelleaux chose Miss Teatime as her champion, Sofia had this to follow up with:
"The five feet surrounding Charlotte Teatime can be the safest, or most dangerous, places in all of Esshar depending on who you are. She wishes luck against Radiant Vandigan in this battle, regardless." She then followed up, finishing the interview by saying 'If you are doing wrong by this city, I will come for you.'
At the end of the day, this is the kind of debate that many people will have many differing opinions on. Though the duel is already finished, with Miss Teatime losing, rather tragically, to the Radiant, it is important that the citizenry of Osrona look at this either as acceptable or as a blight. This reporter has many opinions, but as this is an article circulating the truth, and only the truth, I will leave you all with one final question on this issue!
Is the First Light truly in favor of protecting the noble, or are they primarily after their own goals, in the long run?
This Article has been sponsored by one Mathias Adimaros, operating out of Sudbury as host of the Steel Bank. Mathias, a blonde haired human, a business through and through, is offering cheap rentable property in the Sudbury district. Five hundred coins down payment, alongside of 300 coins yearly, will net you a decent sized home in Sudbury. Given how expensive much of the property can be, and with how little money seems to be flowing into that district, this could be your break to get off of the streets and into a warm home.
That's all we've got for today, friends.
Again, I must apologize for the lack of an interview with Radiant Vandigan; He and I are very busy, and our schedules merely did not mesh well, especially with the recent terrorist activity. But regardless of that, be sure to check back in every single day for a potential new edition of the Discourse Headlines. We aim to bring you the current ongoings of Osrona, straight from the word of the people and Osrona's citizenry. While we try to be unbiased, there is always room for improvement; And if you think something was reported inaccurately, find Discourse to get a small article printed with corrections in the next edition.
The Discourse Headlines once again thanks Miss Sofia ven Pelleaux, Exarch Elijah Soleis, Radiant Atrosus Vandigan, and the multitudes of readers who offered our reporter a cornicopeia of information about these events. We hope you've enjoyed reading, and remember- Advertisement slots are available in every edition, and if you want to advertise your business or simply post a personal advertisement, seek out the red haired ookami 'Discourse' in the city of Osrona, now operating out of Sudbury.
Until next time, friends.
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12-03-2019, 01:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2019, 02:05 AM by Discourse.)
It's sometimes alarming just how much feedback I get from all of you.
Indeed, it scarcely seems that I can wander the streets anymore without someone interrupting me, to tell me of their newest juicy gossip. Well, I just want to let you all know how much I appreciate it, and how much I appreciate you. As long as you want the truth, I will be there to provide it, just for you.
And tonight, boy, do I have something to share with you.
I wonder if the dojo is going to accept more students, now?...
Circa 1662, early in the year, before the harvest.
-Sudbury Assault: The Watch Recruits Criminals?
-The Light Fights Back.. But Fails?
-Atrosus versus Kirai: A Dojo Set Ablaze!
Quote:Sudbury Assault: The Watch Recruits Criminals?
Word floating around recently is that, in Sudbury, an elderly man going by the name of Rod attempted to recruit a few individuals into following him as a would-be leader. This, however, apparently had the exact opposite effect when, deciding they didn't like what the old man was offering, began to insult and threaten him. When push came to shove, a rogue slumdweller even went as far as to attack him, sending him running off after the fight. The kicker in all of this? The City Watch was there, and saw the entire thing go down, but decided not to intervene at all! Instead, they let the man proselytize his goals, and when the assault was over, praised and lauded the assaulter as if he were a hero, even going as far as to offer the man a position on the City Watch. They spoke highly of him, saying he ran off a potential "Syndicate Recruiter".. But if that is the case, why did the Watch not run him off to begin with, and instead let a citizen perform an act of Vigilantism in their stead?
There is a lot of speculation behind this particular incident, so I will leave you with this; Find more information out about this one yourself before jumping to conclusion! While I do not have much information on the rigid details that happened in this scene, neither, does it seem, does the City Watch! In fact, every member I've talked with doesn't even know of this situation that happened, despite multiple sources confirming it did happen. Is the City Watch merely poorly managed, was this attack swept under the rug, or was it a scheme to silence somebody and pay someone in the form of a fancy cloak and authority?
That decision is up to you to decide, of course.
Quote:The Light Fights Back.. And Fails?
Straight from the mouth of a Knight who shall not be named, this reporter was told directly that the First Light has long since known about the general location where the Syndicate has been meeting and planning its dastardly deeds. However, the First Light has been biding their time, gathering forces and figuring out a plan of attack before doing anything immediately.. Until tonight. Apparently, a group of Cadets, lead by a single Knight, decided to take it upon themselves to march their ways into the Syndicate's base and raise havoc. While this almost worked, and a lone member of the Syndicate was captured, he was soon rescued by his fellow terrorists, going as far as to severely wound a raiding member of the First Light.
First, what kind of organization is being run if the Cadets are so sure of themselves, so free to do as they please, that they could potentially ruin weeks, months, years of planning? Are there going to be any punishments handed down, or is this merely going to earn them a slap on the wrist as the Exarchs and Radiants attempt to figure out precisely who and why this happened beneath their noses? Furthermore, one must question precisely how the Syndicate is going to react, now that they know the First Light is onto them and their hideouts.
This had the potential to be a grand strike against them, and instead, due to the notions of a few foolish Cadets, it is now a blunder that will mark a sour note on all of the Order of the First Light. Disappointing, to say the least!
And tonight's HIT STORY!
Quote:Atrosus versus Kirai: A Dojo Set Ablaze!
Combat broke out at the dojo on the mountains as, mere moments before the yearly Shadow Tournament was held, Radiant Atrosus and a band of Knights marched inside and declared that they were arresting the Dojo Master, Kirai. After listing off his crimes, which including kidnapping, assault, and even threatening Knights and Nobility with murder, he proceeded to make a threat upon the Radiant's life and attempted escape! Radiant Atrosus was the first, and only, person able to catch up with him, but proved more than formidable as, in a fight that left the Radiant winded, managed to down, wound, and arrest Kirai before he could escape.
The fight took place in front of a rather large crowd, many of them active members of the dojo, and many more willing participants of the would-be Shadow Tournament. Naturally, the tournament was cancelled in its entirety, and the remaining Patriarch of the Dojo attempted to usher the group from their dojo, saying that he 'would not be teaching anyone' and that the dojo would be 'closed indefinitely, until the master's release'. Although, given the rather impressive list of crimes, one must wonder if Radiant Atrosus intends to let him free at all, or if we'll soon be witnessing the first public execution in quite some time..
On his way out, this reporter managed to get a few words in with the Radiant Atrosus, who had this to say about the entire thing:
'Watch now the fate of those who break the laws of Osrona. Watch now the fate of those whom speak against our Queen and Faith.'
Regardless of your opinion of the First Light or of the Radiant Atrosus, one must take time to marvel at his dedication not only to his line of work, but also to the nobility and royalty that makes up Osrona's higher caste. However, one must also wonder if this sets a precedent for how things will be ran in the future, if a cavalcade of Knights knocking on your door to demand you answer for your crimes will become commonplace. Likewise, it makes one wonder when the only person able to effectively catch up to Kirai was the Radiant himself.. Just how much does the Order rely on him, and how many Knights within the order can actually, properly manage to handle criminals by themselves, just as he can?
One thing is for certain, however: Radiant Atrosus has made his mark on Osrona, for better or for worse, and it is now becoming increasingly obvious that he has his fair share of fans, as well as a growing base of those who would see him cast down and killed, just as Kirai wished to see him before his arrest.
That's all we've got for today, friends...
But be sure to check back in every single day for a potential new edition of the Discourse Headlines. We aim to bring you the current ongoings of Osrona, straight from the word of the people and Osrona's citizenry. While we try to be unbiased, there is always room for improvement; And if you think something was reported inaccurately, find Discourse to get a small article printed with corrections in the next edition.
We at the Discourse Headlines wish to, once again, thank everyone for your continued support. It is only through your efforts that we can continue providing you with the truth.
Even if it might not strictly be what you want to hear, it's what we all need to hear, at the end of the day.
Until next time, friends.
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12-04-2019, 04:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-04-2019, 04:40 PM by Discourse.)
A new issue? So soon? But of course, dear Osrona. For you, anything..
Imagine my surprise when, in the midst of my second afternoon tea, I came across not only a murder, but was then threatened with arrest if I reported the case how I witnessed it. Atonishing, is it not? But do not fear, my fellow truth-seekers. As long as Discourse lives and breathes, the Headlines will go on. Someone, anyone, out there.. Will continue my legacy.
I hope, at least, ha ha ha!
I wonder, does the execution count as TWO murders in one edition?
Circa 1662, middle of the year, during the harvest.
-The Watch Commander Quits: Is The Watch Truly Competent?
-A Public Execution: Kira's Demon Unleashed?
-Murder in Sudbury: The First Light, Overshadowed
Quote:The Watch Commander Quits: Is The Watch Truly Competent?
As of this harvest season, Commander Drake Dunstan has offically quit the City Watch! While the constabulary has often been seen as a force attempting to do good within the streets of Osrona, it seems that the Commander, at the very least, has gotten entirely fed up with it. In a rather public showing, in view of many folk within the Central Park, Drake Dunstan removed his badge and threw it, rather haphazardly, into the pond. This was then quickly followed by Constable Deryk Vaughan quitting alongside of him, throwing his cloak onto the ground and declaring Dunstan a fool, a pathetic disgrace to the cloak, and many, many other names. Their argument continued, boiling over and quickly spiraling as many of the City Watch merely watched on, until Drake revealed his plans for the future; To join Radiant Atrosus Vandigan's Blazing Lion Knights!
While in the midst of the argument, Drake had a few choice words not only for the watch, but also for those considering joining the Constabulary. He states that the organization, while originally an attempt to do something good with the city, has fallen into a state of disrepair because of the Watch's ineptitude. Drake states that the Watch's only purpose in the last two years has been to cause strife and turmoil against the First Light and the people of Osrona, and states that by joining with Radiant Vandigan, he intends to "make a difference, without being weighed down by the morons within the City Watch."
Reporters have come in that the new Commander of the Watch is Constable Task, though this shedding of light on the inner workings of the Constabulary is enough to make one wonder just how long the City Watch will continue to operate, and whether or not the Watch is, in its entirety, competent or not.
Likewise, following a conversation about one of the articles later on in this Edition of the Discourse Headlines!, this reporter was threatened by a City Watch Constable who shall not be named for the purpose of this headline with arrest! The reason offered was for slander and rumor mongering against official city organizations, but what the fool does not seem to realize is that simply telling the truth is not a crime! Likewise, when he pushed the issue further, he said he'd have me in chains as a would-be Syndicate sympathizer, solely because I was going to speak out against the Watch in the recent case of the murder in Sudbury! All I wish to do is offer the truth to the good people of Osrona, and it is clear that many people, many groups within the city, hate the fact that I keep everyone in the know!
Rest assured, until I draw my last breath or I'm clasped in irons for the rest of my days, I will continue to operate, no matter what happens, no matter what threats I may receive.
Quote:A Public Execution: Kirai's Demon Unleashed?!
Just as this reporter assumed in the last edition of the Discourse Headlines!, Kirai, whom was held accountable for crimes including assault on a noble and attempt on a Radiant's life, has been sentenced to public execution. It seemed, indeed, that most of the city of Osrona joined to watch this event, one that hasn't happened in quite some time. Many of the Exarchs were present, standing by to ensure that nobody rushed the stage or attempted a riot within the crowds. For what its worth, it was a fairly clean - at least as clean as an execution can be - event, and there were ultimately no events worth speaking of that transpired during the execution. While many in the crowd supported it, there were also many who condemned such an act; But Kirai's final words cemented, at least in this reporter's eyes, that this was something that was required for the safety of Osrona. His final words, paraphrased, are as follows:
Kirai started by cursing everyone in the crowd, though specifically the First Light, Faith, and Nobility. He spoke that he wished the 'darkest powers of the world' would beseech him and give him power, so that one day he could force us to look upon our own rotting hearts. He wished that the city would crumble and fall apart, crushing the bones of all the nobles, knights, and priests alongside of it. He finished, saying that despite everything, he will live on as a demon of vengeance, whose goal is only to reap our souls, never joining the stars.
While this is certainly a tense moment and he perhaps was not thinking in his right mind, if this was an attempt to sway the hearts of the crowd to join him, it is fairly evident he held a lot of malice within his heart for our dear city. While I am not one to jump to conclusions and immediately presume Syndicate or terrorist activity, it is enough to make one wonder just why he held such a dislike for those in the higher castes of our city. While an execution is not something to be held lightly, one must also wonder that, if this had not happened when it did, what would the end result of the growing hatred of Kirai's have inevitably become?
At the end of the day, however, the question as to whether or not this was justified remains in your hands, loyal readers.
And tonight's HIT STORY!
Quote:A Murder in Sudbury: The First Light, Overshadowed
It should truly come to no surprise that the Syndicate has made its move yet again, this time within the streets of Sudbury. While, for a long time, the Knights of the First Light have not been welcomed within their walls, it appears that one bold Knight made the mistake of doing his rounds there. While accounts differ as to how the confrontation started, many passersby were witness to the devastating brawl that lead to the severe injury of one unnamed teenage boy, as well as the crucifixion and murder of a Knight, and minor noble, one Ser Soma lei Duran, the lord of House Duran. During the fight, the blade, specifically forged for House Duran's patriarch, was stolen, and many of the people in the crowd were horrified to see just how gruesome the death was.
With a display of gravity magic, Elevans crucified lei Duran, before going into a spiel of how it was not too late for the people who had joined the Knight. He spoke, that while he hated the upper castes of society, those who rose up from the lower castes could still cast themselves down to join him in his crusade, that by joining the higher echelons of society, they are the exact plague of the world that he intends to rid the world of, that you are exactly what is wrong with Osrona.
During this event, this reporter also notes hearing several of the City Watch whispering within the crowd of just how strong the terrorist was, that they, while maybe not necessarily afraid to combat him, would stand no chance against him! It is also noteworthy that, when this reporter brought it up, was almost accosted and arrested for assuming that a whispering group of Watchmen, speaking of how they had already lost a fight to Elevans once, sounded as if they were merely afraid to do real combat with him. It is also extremely noteworthy that a First Light Cadet even said that he thought what Elevans was preaching was logically sound, and he even agreed with him on some matters! This cadets name is not known at this point, but many within the crowd will attest to having heard him agreeing with a known terrorist.
The funeral for lei Duran was held in private, with only members of the First Light and his immediate family being invited to attend. While this reporter can only speculate about what happened inside, by the sounds of how many people reacted, it is clear that the Knight was well received, well loved, and will be missed.
That's all we've got for today, friends...
Even despite the way things might look as of recent, remember to take the bad, with the good. While I may normally report only on negative happenings, there are still good things happening within the city as well. While there may be corrupt Watchmen and terrorist attacks happening all too frequently, recall that the First Light is aiming to rid our streets of evil, and that the Faith offers alms and shelter to those in need.
With the truth, at least you'll be better able to combat against the darkness that roams our dear streets, Osrona.
Until next time, friends.
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12-09-2019, 10:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2019, 10:15 PM by Discourse.)
Sorry that it's been so long. As it turns out, when things are quiet, I have nothing to report. But now, I'm back.. Did you miss me, Osrona?
I missed you.
Quite the turn out! I wonder how many are actual potential voters?
Circa 1663, middle of the year, during the harvest.
-The Light Failed; A Clarification
-Another Terrorist Attack; This Time in Hightown!
-The Sudbury Mayoral Debate
Quote:The Light Failed; A Clarification
An earlier article in the Discourse Headlines stated that a wayward group of Cadets, lead by a singular Knight, took the assault to what was assumed to be a Syndicate base. It has recently come to this reporter's attention that while the main ideal behind what was posted remains true, the details were a bit incorrect. Instead of it being a mass of Cadets, it was instead instigated by a group of Knights who aimed to subdue a singular member of the Syndicate. This, however, still did not go as planned, as one of the Cadets brought along was severely injured.. Though apparently, so was the Syndicate operative.
Whether or not this makes the situation for the First Light any better is anyone's guess, as an attack to push into an unknown location in order to attempt to capture a would-be Syndicate agent, especially without the orders of one of the higher ranking Knights, can draw some questions to be certain. This reporter advises you to think for yourselves, and ask the question; Was the First Light doing what was right, or did they overstep their own boundaries?
Quote:Another Terrorist Attack; This Time in Hightown!
A Syndicate terrorist, going by the alias of 'Ygor', attacked a noble girl by the name of Rosalie cos Ar-Maro. While the exact location of this attack has not been singled out to this reporter, some sources say that it occurred just south of the Central Park in Caelfall. A City Watch Rookie, Bas, was barely able to intercept the attack before a trio of magi moved in to try and defeat the terrorist. Ygor, however, managed not only to defeat all three of them, but managed to hold two of them hostage before a group of Knights, with standouts such as Adrielle and Audree, arrived on the scene. In exchange for the lives of the two magi, Ygor managed to flee himself, escaping the wrath of the First Light.
Many of you saw this posted as an earlier snippet in a singular, rushed print; And after much deliberation and investigation, it turns out that, indeed, the Syndicate attempted a noble's life in broad daylight! What this means for Osrona's future and the safety of the nobility is anyone's guess, but it is solely because of this that one must use caution in the streets, especially in the southern districts. Osrona is a dangerous place, when it wants to be, so be smart and be safe, and don't get caught by any stray spells that might come your way when the Syndicate attacks again!
And tonight's HIT STORY,
Quote:The Sudbury Debate and Mayoral Election
It's election season, ladies and gentlemen! With the last mayor of Sudbury to finally keel over, the position has opened yet again in everybody's favorite part of the city. While the election itself isn't for some time, a recent debate has left a lot of people wondering just who is going to be elected, and why some of them even bothered showing up! Posted below will be a transcript of the questions, as well as each of the responses from the candidates who showed up. Your list of candidates, at least the ones who have really put their names out there, are as follows;
Simon Gelmont, Claude vey Pelleaux, Erick Falstrik, Iris Arsali, Timothy Espaze, Alythia Endore.
See any names you recognize? Ha ha ha! Of these four, Claude vey Pelleaux and Erick weren't present for questioning(even though Erick showed up late!), and thus, those two won't have answers to what was asked of them. The following is the transcript of the debate:
Question One: "What, in the grand scheme of things, are some of the more immediate and severe hardships you've all faced, and what are your plans and ideals to immediately address those hardships?"[/url]
[url=]Question Two: "It is no surprise that many of the folk who live in Sudbury have a great deal of disapproval and malice towards those in the City Watch and the First Light. It is from that very malice that this question comes from; What is your opinion on those two orders and, should you be elected, do you intend to rally them to aid Sudbury or do you believe the district should be kept separate from their 'assistance'?"
Question Three: "So.. It is a dark, serious question, but those are always the best ones, don't you all agree? This question is about, of course, the Syndicate, and their activities in Sudbury. What is your opinion of the organization, and what specifically do you plan to do about them and their near constant attacks on these streets?"
As always, this reporter encourages you to make your own educated choices and decisions, looking to all six of your potential candidates and voting on what you believe, and whom you believe, is best for Sudbury.
The Elixirium Apothecary, a potion shop run in Sudbury: Now with the cleanest potions to come out from the district. She offers an extremely wide variety, from boosters to potions to make that special someone think of you as a little more than special as well. Her business is located here: [ MAP INSIDE], and she humbly requests anyone in need of anything of this sort to seek her out. This shop is run by a lovely lass who prefers to be called the 'Shoppe Keeper', although she did mention if you had trouble finding her to use her last name, Airgetlam.
The Oasis, now open in the Messairis shop square, and currently owned by a lovely lady by the name of Rain, offers some amazing pieces of weapons and armor - All of them enchanted! While most of the pieces out for sale are of limited strength and impressiveness, she boasts some incredible pieces available for custom order if you seek her out; And if you do seek her out, tell her Discourse sent ya', won't you?
That's all we've got for today, friends..
But I'll be back soon, and hopefully it won't take a year to get the next issue out. But of course, for you, Osrona, I value the truth and I value telling you things that aren't just ramblings, of which noble prefers which position in bed. You're all fantastic, and the conversations that spring up because of my role here at the Discourse Headlines! never ceases to put a smile on my face.. If there wasn't one there, already.
Good luck to all of the political opponents; I wish them the best of luck in the future. You'll all need it.
Until next time, friends.
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12-11-2019, 01:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-11-2019, 02:00 PM by Tee.)
Buried in the back section of the Discourse..
The Nice and Accurate Horoscopes of Agathe Croncelle
by Agathe Croncelle, and assistant Louis
Greetings, Osrona! Many of you have already been privy to my horoscopes and prophecies in person, but now you may have your very own horoscope told, in this very print! Marvelous!
Here's how your horoscope works - Each month is linked to a specific branch of the constellation Leonaus. Find either the month you were born, or a Star you feel is more attuned to you lately, and read it!
Without further ado, here are your horoscopes for the year 1663. Enjoy! Feel free to come find me in person if you'd like to learn more about the Celestial Charts or if you'd like your own personal fortune told. Great at parties!
Quote:☉ - Leo : The Bright Star is currently in declension with Vulpes Major, the Foxfire Star. This means you should avoid kitsune at all costs! If it were in ascension, you should throw yourself at them, but not this time. If you're a kitsune yourself, avoid everyone.
Quote:♄ - Alph : Alph is in counter-heliophase with Elianna, the Ruby Monkey, leading to some strange events on the horizon. The Monkey is known to cause pranks, trickery, and nonsense, and being in heliophase with it means a lot of them. It's less of a warning, and more a suggestion to enjoy it and have fun and try not to let serious things bother you too much. Stress is bad for the health, you know!
Quote:⚶ - Geist : The Mover is in ascension with Dracaena, the Southern Eye, a star primarily known for being one under which prostitutes are born. That's pretty much all the celestial heavens have to say about that.
Quote:♐︎ - Phos : The Pinned Star is in an interesting three-way arrangement with Sepiida, the Anvil, and Betta, the Tiny Ship. The most likely result is a lot of awkwardness and uncomfortable moments in the forseeable future, especially when it comes to three people doing activities together.
Quote:Δ - Hiero : The House of Revision is in perfect alignment with both the Big Leaf Star and Hydrodamalis, the Spitting Star, which can only mean one thing. Avoid bablines! Oh no, the bablines! So many of them! Alternatively, if you are a Babline, how are you reading this paper?
Quote:☌ - Uner : The Comet is in apogee with Apodemus, the Nightingale Star, leading to long periods of rest and relaxation in store for you. Excellent! It doesn't necessarily mean you currently need or want rest and relaxation, but that's what's coming anyway whether you like it or not.
Quote:♈︎ - Biblos : The North Star is, rather oddly, not in alignment or a pattern with any other heavenly body right now. It's all by itself up there, all hot and lonely. Isn't that just a little bit sad? Maybe someone should send flowers.
Quote:Θ - Rhyt : The Mane is in ascension with Lacerta, the Dragonfly Star, and in descension with the unfortunately named Big Rod Star. I am assured repeatedly by my ancient books and tomes that the Big Rod is named after a person and not an object, but nothing beyond that. Sorry! Lacerta, on the other hand, is a severe warning to avoid swamps.
Quote:♆ - Vrona : Vrona is in declension with The Fountain, an unusual star with a somewhat fountainous look to it when squinted at in a certain way. Unfortunately this is not a simple warning to avoid falling into a fountain, but rather the more complex observation that your near future will be unseen, much like fountain water, until it sprays you directly in the face.
Quote:♊︎ - Anos : The Grand Planet is moderately aligned with Diceros, the Western Pickaxe. This is a clear sign that wealth is soon on the way in direct proportion to how much you work at it. Not much of a fortune, right? Anyone could have told you that. Well, consider it official now!
Quote:♅ - Neoi : The Swift Planet currently is in ascension with the bright blue star, Bombus Borealis, a brash and annoying body that streaks around the sky as if not knowing that it's supposed to stay in relatively the same place. Bombus is usually a signal from the cosmos that either you, or someone close, will have far, far too much energy and will distribute it quite obnoxiously in the near future.
Quote:♓︎ - Ios : The Large-- Well! I was going to lie about this one. A first! I never lie about my predictions. Goodness, what was I thinking. However, Ios is in an unusual declension with a star that is no longer spoken about or noted in many of the 'public' star charts. Luckily, it seems whatever events this might for tell for you, due to the declension pattern, may actually occur next year, rather than this year. The star was named Yauntu, the Harrowing Eye, in the Old Tongue, and I will speak no more of it than that.
And there are your predictions for 1663AC! Stay tuned for the next edition of The Nice and Accurate Horoscopes of Agathe Croncelle!