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Item Recovery
With the recent map change, we've lost a few homes and with that a bunch of items from players. Usually there's warnings before homes are deleted, but this time there wasn't. I'm not going to push on that portion, rather the aspect of item recovery when you lose a home.  As far as I know, the only foolproof way to ensure you'll get anything back is through screenshots, but the average person does not keep a screenshot of every item they possess.   I think a simple solution to this is just having a separate log linked to the character that says what happens to an item similar to what we see in our logs when we pick up or drop an item. 

So an example entry would be like
John placed 10x Soothing Reed into a Chest [Osrona/Lot xyz/blah blah blah] (I don't know if the houses have their own identifier).
Jane placed Sin Buster (Ultra Mythril Staff) into a Chest [Osrona/Lot xyz/blah blah] 
Jane placed Iron Sword (Common Iron Sword) into a Chest [Myllenoris / Lot xyz/ blah blah]

The formula would be "Name" placed "Item Name" ["Rarity and Type of Item"] into Chest ["Location of House"]

This would make it far more manageable in my opinion for when people lose items due to house deletions, running out of rent, or just bugs in general.  It's not a perfect solution, but it's something we can all build off of.  No one likes losing their items they've spent hours upon hours in obtaining. To some people, losing everything is enough to make them quit all together, to others they just get back on their feet and try again. 

Alternatively, each lot could have a log of what items are put and taken out. I don't know if there is such a thing in place now, but it can't hurt to make the item recovery process easier for both players and staff.
Nice idea!

I personally keep odt document where I screenshot contents of my chests (when I am not lazy to do this).
Such document helped me once to get a compensation for lost items.

Probably your interior lots are still kept somewhere, so you can be transported there by admin
Unfortunately, we have to limit how much we log to prevent I/O clutter on the server, which can lead to some lag. With a game that logs as much as Eternia does, you have to balance what you do and don't log. Logging chest stuff was actually a thing early on, but it was pretty hard on the server when people would be rapidly moving items around.

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