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Barsburg Lore Ideas
[Image: The-Protomen.png?fit=940%2C441&ssl=1]
im not sorry.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Something to keep in mind is this old post, too

Mostly stuff already covered here, but also that they've got the technology and means to seal away Primordials and siphon away their energy for magitek use. I feel like that's a cool angle to explore that can sort of dive in to any kind of atheistic society in this setting- I mean, when you've got the power to turn gods into batteries, trap the very manifestations of magic away and make them nothing more than a cog in your endless war machine, what is there to worship?

It'd be fun to see on a smaller scale, stuff like individual wraiths and spirits of the land- choked and withered as their forests have long been churned apart and fed to the fires- chained and trapped within great machines as the ultimate power source.

I dunno, maybe something similar could be done with dragons, have them chained, degenerated, mutated. Creatures too fierce and independent to be used as beasts of war like demons are, but too valuable in their bodies' magical potency and alchemical uses to extinguish outright.

Just stuff like that, that draws a sort of direct contrast to the religions and mysticisms of Esshar. Familiar ideas toppled under the jackbooted heel of the Barsburgian empire, reduced to their most mechanically useful parts with the rest thrown aside in the wake of the war machine.

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