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Wiki Maintenance and Lore Expansion Team
I briefly talked about this in an ...unfiltered manner earlier in todays Hot Thread™, but figured as I've thought on it a little more it might be an idea to flesh it out more. Hopefully this makes sense!

Wiki Maintenance and Lore Expansion Team

What is this? A small group of players/admins/mix that take on two types of tasks; wiki maintenance and lore expansion. I'll go in to each in a bit more detail now.

Wiki Maintenance would comprise of:

  • Updating spell details where relevant -Mastery Magic, mainly.
  • Putting together a summary of events as time progresses on a decade basis to keep the timeline updated
  • Updating certain pages with relevant details; i.e. updating Osrona to reflect its social shift, creating a page on Nysea, etc.
  • Adding in approved lore, when necessary.
  • Improving the accessibility of information. Formatting with hyperlinks, and the like.
  • Chronicling characters and events deemed 'noteworthy'. In this context; if you founded a successful guild, were a notable warrior, influential in a city or beyond, a well-known antagonist, you'd be a candidate. 
Because the wiki as it stands is often outdated with the exception of the occasional contribution. Some pages straight up cannot be edited, and haven't been since the start of the timeskip. In an ideal world, the wiki could become the repository of information for all of E3. Want to know about recent events? Check out the Modern History page for a rundown, and if you want a more indepth look, click on one of the hyperlinks in it to be linked to a SoE post. Want to know about how magic works, its there! New and want to read about a notable character? Well, we've got a selection on the wiki, from Asta Hargrave to Blaidd! A strong, well maintained wiki is a way to immerse yourself in the game in a more indepth way.

Lore Expansion would comprise of:
  • Drafting original content. There's no real detail on how alchemy actually works to my knowledge, wouldn't it be cool to have some clashing theories that both hold weight but have no consensus? In-universe books could be made here too!
  • Drafting content based on request. Chance wants a guild in Barsburg fleshed out? Thats the team's job. They brainstorm, draft and critique/refine as a group, then pass the final draft to Chance for review.
  • First-stage reviewing public loreposts. If something goes on the lore thread? The lore team reads through it, sees if it meets the standard, and if so passes it to Chance to review. If not? They let the writer know, ideally with some feedback on how to refine it.
  • Aegis Events: An idea where, on a fortnightly/three weekly/monthly basis or so, the lore team establish whats going on in the rest of the Essharan Empire's territory, and whats going on in Aegis proper. Maybe Barsburg is fighting with Aen again. Maybe a cult has popped up in Magnolia, and has become noteworthy enough information is spreading through their iron curtain. Maybe someone just invented Sliced Bread 2: Bready or Not. Again, the lore team brainstorms, drafts, refines, and then passes to review. This could even be used as foreshadowing for future events through collaboration with the DM team...

Because while we have lore, a lot of it is based in the past/a bit small/hang-ons from E1 and Spires.  Having new content coming out on a semi-regular basis could help the game grow, and the 'Aegis Events' in particular could offer a perspective on the outside context of Esshar on the larger continent, and be used for foreshadowing and just generally giving a better idea of what Aegis is actually like. In Spires, only Agartha was really relevant, but in Esshar we're but one area of one country on a whole continent, it'd be interesting to see how the other side lives, y'know? Additionally, having a team that reviews suggested lore would encourage contributions without heaping a massive pile for Chance to read through.

As you might imagine, if this was made a thing, I'd like to be involved, but I'm also suggesting it because I believe that on the whole it would have a net positive result on E3. I know Admins contribute to lore on occasion, as does the playerbase to the wiki, but I think a dedicated team could really take that to the next level.
A general expansion of lore in the same feel and size of Agartha's lore would be greatly appreciated.
Also briefly talked about this in that thread and support this 100%

A new player joining a game and tries to use a wiki that is full of dead or missing links and outdated info might make them never return.
(07-26-2020, 04:51 AM)Enigmatic Outlook Wrote: A general expansion of lore in the same feel and size of Agartha's lore would be greatly appreciated.

I mean to be fair, Agartha needed a fair bit of lore work done to it. I can remember trying to play Prosyletizer to the Jianghese... but not a damn one of their priests actually knew anything about their faith beyond it being something to do with Kitsune, the Sun, and Azrael bad.

Filling in the odd corners of the lore takes time.

Lore posts, yes.
I do already try to keep the Mastery Magic updated a bit, but only on the mechanical level for what they are. I know there is actually quite a few hidden spells that are in, that could be added, but I'd need permission to toss them into the list/told what tier they are meant to be in.

For example, Glorious Inferno.

I do agree though, wiki needs tlc.

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