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Ideas for Advanced Elemental Magic
Well I have looked up magic in general for the elements, Earth has... a ton of different specs vs air which is really sad in that area. So I decided to throw out some ideas you can ponder on, even if some are lazy, half baked, or just plain basic.

Air has two at the moment, so maybe reworking the old Holy or Occult wind types into E3 named Healing Wind or Cyclone respectively. Maybe some form of Astral Projection in a way it'd be like clones but they disappear after an attack or purely distractions.  Could even make Storm be some type of weather manipulation strand with a bit of Mornegale and Holy Wind mixed in.
Something like manipulating gas could also be possible, say... Neon(Yeah based on another game but it's a good example) which can be used in ways like mist form, an aoe via an explosion, beams, upon other things. It also has possibilities for extra effects being cold enough to be below freezing if made a liquid for frostbite/slowing/freezing effects as well as being able to be used as a light source to blind. 

Steam could work for Water in a pinch. As for Fire...
--Smoke/Ash; I know... more mist form bait, but I'm more thinking of lingering damage and obscuring view... and maybe some healing qualities via incense.[This could also be Air funny enough.]
--Radiation; Which could basically be Fire's Riptide but instead it makes fire poison instead of burn and perhaps heal through the status dealt. As well as some weakening effects at the cost of raw power.[Can even be lazy here and just have green fire.]

I'm hoping more to spark discussion and hopefully get Air some love, maybe even get all specs to three to four sub-elements for the public eventually.

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