07-18-2020, 08:30 AM
"In the days of Old Moonfall, such a surname was one connected to the witches who ruled the woods.
However, in the modern age, it has become a family striving to continually write and revise the legacy of not only their bloodline, but the reputation of their race as a whole."
![[Image: tuxpi.com.1595059015.jpg]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694001904421961808/733956635986231327/tuxpi.com.1595059015.jpg)
However, in the modern age, it has become a family striving to continually write and revise the legacy of not only their bloodline, but the reputation of their race as a whole."
![[Image: tuxpi.com.1595059015.jpg]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694001904421961808/733956635986231327/tuxpi.com.1595059015.jpg)
Quote:-Your Father-
The current High Lord of Myllenoris and successor to your grandmother Asta Hargrave, Finn Ghede has served the Valeborne since he was 13 years old. He is guided not only by Aschea, but also by the 'spirits of truth' as he would call them, and many refer to the High Lord himself as the Spirit or Teraphim of Truth. He took a solemn oath within the Vale that he would never tell a lie, and such a strange aspect of his life has definitely been reflected onto how he has raised his offspring as well.
Finn is the continuation of the 'Ghede' bloodline within the Teraphim race, a family that is traced back to the Supreme Witch Atreus Ghede. While his parents died early on in his life as faithful Valeborne Teraphim, Finn has pursued their legacy by trying to redeem his lineage through witch-hunting and more. He expects his kids to do the same, though he houses a personal fear that someday one may be predisposed to follow the path of his grandfather.
He hasn't and will never deceive any of his children, something that has likely created some oddities to rise up in their own personalities. There were no fictitious creatures to explain away holidays. There was no euphemism or elaborate conversation when you asked the tough questions such as 'where do babies come from?' and 'where did the Osronan babies go?' His children are aware of the honest answers to these inquiries and more so long as they asked their father straight on. He is a devout Aschean, as could be expected of the High Lord, and believes fully in her teachings and way of life. Sometimes he can come off as cold and distant, though he cares fiercely for those closest to him and will give his all to prove it.
Finn is a prominent ice magi, his magic often manifesting in 'cold crystal' rather than simple gemstones. He is also Esshar's first Wayfinder, a fact that he himself keeps quiet unless asked. While he's often seen wielding a bow in the present, he clearly has a larger knowledge of firearms to the extent that he is more than willing to teach his children how to shoot as early as they can hold a weapon in two hands. He is known to smoke from time to time.
![[Image: tuxpi.com.1595059191_1.jpg]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694001904421961808/733956633813581835/tuxpi.com.1595059191_1.jpg)
Quote:-Your Mother-
The eldest daughter of the late Asta Hargrave, Amalia is a kind, gentle, and exceedingly (and literally) warm woman, one who has grown to be very protective, sometimes overly so, of her children. That over-protective tendency of hers can sometimes be a bit stifling, but she always means well at least. Being Myllenoris' resident artificer and alchemist both, she provides anything and everything for those she cares for. She may spoil you, but only to a point within reason. She will definitely dote on you with public displays of parental affection, with a predisposition towards hugs in particular.
To any of her children that show an interest in runes, metalworking, or alchemy, she would happily teach them a fair amount of foundational knowledge. She is patient enough to teach even the most dull-headed of her children, spending hours on end with foundational learning alone if required. More than enough to get them started. Runes especially, are something that she is proficient in. You've grown used to the fact that as she is working on her craft, she is often speaking in a personalized runic language that she uses to cast and draw runes vocally.
Amalia is a natural fire magi, and a deeply attuned nature maga. She has antlers, and has had them since before your birth. No, you can not have antlers. But you can have nature dev items, and fire dev items. The specific magics she uses are Fire, Earth, Magma and Nature, and can offer training in these four strains of magic. She is not a combative focused maga, but will still insist that you at least learn how to defend yourself if necessary. Citing that her own mother insisted the same of her, and she's never stopped thanking her for it despite how much she doesn't enjoy it
-Things to Know-
+ You are a child born to the Ghede-Hargrave lineage.
+ You were born a pure-blooded Teraphim and raised within the grand tower of Myllenoris itself.
+ You recognize a storied history of notable figures on both your mother's side of the family as well as your father's and are more than justified in believing yourself something better than even others of your own kind, though your parents may try to keep you grounded and humble.
+ Your older brother, Elisha Avery, is a half-breed born to your parents prior to Amalia's transformation. Though he isn't a Teraphim, he has been treated as the eldest child should and has been encouraged to take an active role in protecting and providing for his siblings.
+ Renly, rumored to be your cousin, is also something of an 'older brother' figure to you as he was taught and trained by your parents.
Three children will be playable as early as 1757-1759
Feel free to contact Tattles#1504 or BabyFatJesus#2400 if you are interested in playing one of these kids.