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Jess DM
Key/Character: Lucian ven Pelleaux
Which Event: Lost Zodiac

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Responses were well paced, absolutely no complaints here!

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): The balance was exceptional! It was clear this DM had a great amount of experience with such.

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): Story was great, especially with how that Nethradin appeared at the end! I was scared... ;-;

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): Very fair, very nice. The reward I got was actually something I was thinking of eventing for next! Jess read my mind!!

Overall: Very good event, well paced, enjoyable. 10/10 would come again ^.^

Any other comments:
Key/Character: Sibyl Cirque
Which Event: Reprisal & Publication of Secrets

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?):

Responsive, very quick to post, and even during down time was able to interact with the group for fun!

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?):

The fights were pretty much how raid fights would be in MMOs, scripted, albeit not easily told by many players! Jess knows how to balance out fights and make them fun to feel like that MMO Style feel. Specifically note that she always decided to place volcanoes in the corner, stack aoes on top, and even make it difficult during the final boss where she would root and beam you if you were the unlucky one who got tab targeted. Difficult, but INSANELY fun.

Another mention is the obstacles. As the lead up to the second boss, there was an obstacle in the forest with GIGANTIC wasps, where we had to find a way to pass them. Unfortunately we low rolled, but it climatically gave a great lead to the second boss!

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):
Yes! Despite using only a sandy area, the imagery was certainly there and there was a connection to the cosmic presence that was in the setting with lore heavy attachments.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)

Very fair, especially considering a lot of us rolled very low !

Overall: 8.5/10

Any other comments:

8.5/10 only because we used one map and not utilizing different backgrounds which really is just aesthetic at the end, but gives more immersion!
Key/Character: Lucinda Meztin
Which Event: Reprisal & Publication of Secrets
Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): The responses on this event were quick and descriptive, giving all the players attending the event at attention. If there were any questions about anything IC, they were promptly answered with LOOC as well.  DM was very patient and happy to explain rules, regulations, and listen to any concerns promptly and effectively.  All the while keeping the tone light, positive, and an overall exciting environment to be in! 10/10
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): Each fight was very well balanced, as well as very challenging. It's nice to have a DM that is able to utilize actual skill sets when it comes to the abilities used during an event, rather than most DMs who spam massive aoes! There were skill shots, powerful ones that kept you on your toes if you got too close to your enemy! All in all, I enjoyed the realistic immersive battles. The imagery was also very impressive, I want the boss sprite that was used! Ahh!

As for the obstacles and traps, they were pretty average. A lot of chance/injuries were based off of rolls - which is my only complaint. There was a part in the event where a horde of wasps blocked the travelers path, and we had to find a way to get passed them. Lucinda suggested she distract the wasps, and even used an invisibility potion to be able to thereafter run away from the distracted wasps safely. Even with the invisibility potion used, as well as the creativeness of the diversion - because I rolled a 1, I fell into a mud pit and therefore was no longer invisible to the wasps. I was given a temp injury, which is all fine and dandy this wasn't my problem. My problem was that my group attempted to save me by rolling, and I was made to roll AGAIN while stuck in the mud pit - resulting in another shitty roll therefore causing me to be injured a SECOND time in the SAME INSTANCE. I was already punished for a mistake in judgement, being punished a second time seemed a little excessive. (luckily I had a healing elixir with me because within the first hour of the event I had three temps!)

Other than this issue, the rest of the injuries and battles were very well deserved. 8/10

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): The story was one filled with adventure, surprises, and it held the need for critical thinking. It was fun to see the different ideas everyone came up with to kind of evolve the story around them, and there was plenty of wiggle room for the attendees to make their own decisions - resulting in different outcomes. It's always fun to go on an adventure you feel you have a hand in creating. Good job! 10/10
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): I uh, think I already pretty much answered this in the 'balance' section. Though I will state, I feel for the risks Lucinda took - there needed to be more reward. Taking the L for the team hurts. Give me sparkly things *_* (Not complaining about the two arcanium that I received, but jeeze the first hour was rough!) 9/10
Overall: 8.5/10
Any other comments: I LOVE YOU<3 APPRECIATE YOU <3 I had a great time!
[Image: OzJetPV.jpg]
Key/Character: Thalus cos Duran
Which Event: My Family's Blade

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Response time was great! I never felt like we were waiting around too long for the next sequence of events.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): Noice, for lack of a better word. I watched my homie get packed out in a game of checkers, almost made me cry... how you get 2-0'd in a game of checkers? =/

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): I like it! Jess did great with what she had to work with. I especially liked the part where Thalus was able to claim Silver Durendal in the middle of the final fight to help with defeating the spirit, pretty cool.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): Indubitably.

Overall: 9/10 Good event, I appreciate the DM for working through it despite the grave server lag (dear god can we get a reboot if one hasn't happened yet?)
Key/Character: MyNameIsLo / Lexandi
Which Event: Devils Castle

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10 Very quick, very lovely <3

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 10 Scary HCOD Battles, it was AWESOME!

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 10 It was DOPE! I loved the feeling of going into a Dracula Castle and fighting awful Night Creatures hehe

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): 10 Very very Fair, even though it was a Brutal Scale! I had a blast! 

Overall: I love you Jess! Such a fun time you gave us! 10/10 would request you again for scary stuff again! I already have something in mind! 

Any other comments: You beat me up and it felt good Wink 
Key/Character: Elwin Blackwell
Which Event: Devil's Castle

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10 responses were swift and within reasonable time

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 8.5 I gotta dock here I love the challenge and all but that final encounter was tuned up pretty hard for the small group that went on the event, I had alot of fun but most of its bar was 13+ dmg spells with high spam rates a smashing bar to deal with considering rift/PD/WC to top it off, maybe a little overtuned in my opinon but otherwise the rest of the event felt really fair.

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 10 I enjoyed the story telling it offered alot of choices moving forward and alot of RNG moments really makes it feel more interactive and overall fun

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) 10 Despite my issue with the balance of the final boss the punishments were just and fair

Overall: 9.625 I appreciate the time and effort placed in this event! and would 100% partake in another event Big Grin

Any other comments: I can only request not as many high impact spells in the future >.> Considering the spam rates bosses can commit to its really quite overwhelming to have that much impact alongside the hiddens. That's just my opinon tho.
Key/Character: Vasilli pyr Docro
Which Event: Devil's Castle
Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?):  I was impressed with how quick the responses were. Jess came prepared with a set plan, and she executed wonderfully. It was nice to not have to wait hours for responses or have a seven hour event take up my whole day. Awesome!

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): The battles were absolutely insane. The ECs were appropriately powered for the progress in the event that they were placed. (The first swarm of thinbloods could have even been powered up more!) They took the time to make strategy in the way they used their chosen EC elemental trees, so that the group as a whole had to figure out how to appropriately swoop in and get a good hit. Occasionally she even hit us with the good ole' shadow cannon while we were all huddled on a single healing AOE LOL All in all they battles were very fair and very fun. As for obstacles/traps, there weren't that many. Even though I am sure we missed a few with a couple of good rolls. I would have liked to see even a puzzle or two!

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): This is the part where I felt it lacked if only slightly. We got into the castle and were met by thinbloods. How did they get there? Then whatever was left of the swarm all ran into these mysterious tunnels they dug into the castle themselves, Where did they go after we beat the final boss? After we beat the thinbloods we made our way further into the castle and there were various traps and things like that, before ultimately we got to what was ultimately the boss vampire and his lab. The door wasn't locked. Why were there so many starving thinbloods if this bitch had a whole farm of blood right there and the door was unlocked. The vampire boss himself was cool, though, but again it wasn't really clear why or how he got there. Just that he was and existed there all this time living off of his farm. There were definitely some holes in the story, but I think we as a group understood the intent behind it and appreciated the effort put forth nonetheless. c: it was very engaging.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): This was very fair. Dumb decisions were met with dumb outcomes, and the roll of the dice was very all deciding. Absolutely fair.
Overall: 7/10
Any other comments: I appreciate you and I appreciate the time it takes to run an event, believe me I know how much effort it takes!! Really my only complaint was the quality/fluidity of the story. If only for the simple fact it was so important for the faction, story wise. Because of their intent.

[Image: OzJetPV.jpg]
Key/Character: Nanzopel Tyranny
Which Event: Devil's Castle

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10 Everything felt like it was done with purpose, intent and consideration. Responses kept us wildly busy, with always a few things for us to do! Never truly felt like we were just standing around waiting for something to happen.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 10/10 Traps, puzzles were theme-fitting and alot of fun. Bosses were properly balanced from the get-go. The final boss totally felt as threatening and harsh which fit the aesthetic. Lots of cool things explored!

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 10/10 Vampire killer evil mad castle is what I wanted and it's what I got. Chef's kiss.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) 10/10 The injury scale got bumped due to the rewards we had asked for, but everything felt super fair. Rewards complimented character's dev directions, and were earned throughout the event for doing fun things and interacting with the world.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: Jess is wonderful and is very generous to have done this for myself <3 I thank her wholeheartedly. (Sorry for late addition!!!)
Key/Character: Drama

Which Event: Ascending once more. (Coven of Misfortune tower event)

Responsiveness: Was very quick to respond with Narrates as well as if anyone had questions.

Balance: The battles made me sweat .-. There were definitely traps, but Jess also took into account how we handled obstacles and narrated accordingly based on the luck of our rolls. (Which to be fair, we rolled fairly well!)

Storytelling: The story was very well done. From the maze of vines to the hive living inside of the tree - it was very well thought out and coherent all throughout.

Fairness: Very fair given how many people went down, their rolls dictated the most of everyone's injuries. A lot of it was roll based, which I enjoy because it makes everything more even and fair.

Overall: 10/10
Any other comments: I LOVE YOU, BITCH. Thank you. ^-^
[Image: OzJetPV.jpg]
Key/Character: Daeva

Which Event:

Responsiveness: Instantaneous with no down time, and the quality was up to par.

Balance: Hate puzzles, hate mazes, hate labyrinths. The balance was well done for the actions we made, I wouldn't of minded if you made the fighting even more difficult.

Storytelling: Enjoyable! Probably my favorite part of the Tower is that you are able to do as you please, and you delivered an immersive feeling.

Fairness: Hated our earlier rolls, but at least the injury ones were our saving grace. Very fairy with punishments.

...Never turning right again.

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