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The city of Osrona itself has been quiet in its furthers interiors. While much of the populace was elsewhere, perhaps at the newly minted elected official's speech, there must have been some kind of rascal that thought it better to be elsewhere.

On one of the large, blank walls north of the city's square and the church, a vandal has struck. Red chalk markings line the otherwise pristine stones in purposeful graffiti; its dust seems to drain the energy from those that touch it. How odd...

[Image: 3d15f06b6066a7337a5fa71ba1c54d09.png]

A new rash of decidedly...artistic left behind in Osrona's church, just north of its square and none too far from the first act. Gunshots were also heard, and the resulting bullet holes are left behind in the building's interior. Along with several new pieces painted by many different hands...

[Image: wwlXEFH.png]

[Image: oszh1az.png]
[Image: Romani_Montaclare.png]

[Image: 26518739ddbb81cd63622413703ee16d.png]
[Image: deb4e356c2e170dd508754e24a574264.png]

After shots rang out the scene of different pieces was left behind for others to witness.
The vandalism is cleaned up by a variety of Church members, and the amount of guards in the area have been increased.
The hands of vandals are not so easily stilled. They strike again, yet this time the method and locale is different, the scale even larger. Instead of a single interior wall or the inside of a building, the exterior of one of Osrona's great, blank walls has been made the latest canvas.
 Someone or something has taken great pains to plant a staggering multitude of seeds along the massive stone barricade. The acorns, infused with no shortage of magic, have begun climbing up the walls alongside thorny, sprawling vines. They spread quickly and threaten to overtake the exterior wall with their voracious, mind-boggling growth. Yet in spite of this continual, exponential spread, they curve around a series of murals that's been painted:

[Image: bunies_lol.png]
[Image: The_Princess_and_The_Monkey.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: f3b4fb4091ad34b7a9bec939bcea26f9.png]
A work in the stone has been done too. A portrait resembling one of Myllenoris' late rulers
What can be of the vandalism is cleaned up in relatively short order by newly hired cleaners. Say what you will about the vandal, they're increasing Osronan jobs! Furthermore, on the site of the graffiti is left a note pinned to the wall.

Quote:Mystery Vandal,

I'm not sure who you are, or why you believe vandalism is the best way to achieve your ends, but you have something of a talent. If you wish your grievances addressed, come and speak to me upon them; I am, after all, doing my best to represent the people of Osrona. Additionally, perhaps you could put your artistic vision to appreciated use, and be commissioned for murals and the like upon the city's many blank spaces, and well as perhaps 'greening' the city up. Keep it in mind. You've my word that should you approach in such manner, no charges of vandalism will be laid upon you.

-Malia of Clan Arsali, Magistrate of the Osronan Republic.
Something's replied to the Magistrate's message, perhaps the work of the mystery miscreant. In short order it is gone, taken off of the wall at the site of the first spurt of vandalism. A reply is left in the form of even further vandalism.

[Image: a1abb081f62e966e7bf34740d448c474.png]

A strange red chalk dust, similar to that found at one of the first appearances of these murals, is left at the scene. As before it seems to sap the life out of those that touch it.
The vandal's anonymity wouldn't remain covered forever with the increased patrols and her daring exploits!

Eye witness reports provide an accurate description of her appearance: Thin and willowy, with auburn brown hair, emerald eyes, and a crown of flowers. Seems to like the color green, though her garb is stained wtih nature. Mid-20s. Average height.

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