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Blood - In general.
Hey, it's me Kazuki Alter!

Yeah, we ain't here for introductions. We're here to discuss blood as a tree because phew! It's super strong. Before we get to it, let's get a few things straight:
  • I am not making this post because of salt. Purely because of what I've noticed of the tree and what I think should happen to it.
  • No, no names will be mentioned and no one is going to get name-dropped. If you think you're being targeted for some reason, shoot me a DM @Kazuki Alter#1337. I don't mind a hello either u-w-u.
  • And finally, if I missed anything or anything is incorrect from what I've said I'll be more than happy for someone to correct me down below as I can be a bit one-minded and not notice things.
Anyways! Let's begin.

I'd like to start off with the blood aura itself since I think this is why the tree as a whole is super strong.

[Image: unknown.png]

On paper, it's a nice aura for something you have to spec into from another tree. 10+ Vit and 25+ MD. Better than most sub-tree auras out there but not THE best when it comes to those raw stats. But that isn't the problem here that I want to point out. What we're going to look at is obvious and that's the 10% AP when your target is bleeding. If you think about that, it's 10% AP to all spells (correct me if I'm wrong.) not towards blood spells alone. Durations of bleed can last around to 3 seconds from what I've seen and can be restarted from just adding another bleed effect onto them.

Let's see what blood spells can bleed:
  • Scarlet Darts
  • Blood Whip (Who uses this anymore LMAO.)
  • Hemorrhage
  • Blood Vapor
Now for spells that don't sit inside the blood tree but can bleed.
  • Dour Javelin
  • Bone Blades's Active
If one keeps the pressure, they can keep this 10% AP for a while without a cooldown. That's.. kind of strong. And when you think about it. Ever since they added this in the patch notes. You can spec into bone from blood and vice versa. Honestly, I don't think this should be a thing since bone is in a different tree. Plasma has some leeway because of how it was in Spires and plasma changes both lightning and fire when it comes to recolors. Not to mention Overcharge buffs both fire and lightning power.

It's super strong especially if we look at the new Blood Hidden which is basically a resprited shockwave with shockwave's damage on top of bleed which even increases those chances to go for big damage. So here is some things I think should change for blood and no not all at once:

  1. Remove the 10% on bleed as a whole. I don't think this aura needs that personally. That OR 5% AP on bleed or Biopower. Also, a cooldown on the AP after the bleed had diminished.
  2. Remove the ability to go into blood from bone and vice versa. I'm not sure who suggested this or why it was added in but it was a HUGE mistake. If we're going to do that, let me spec into nature from poison because they relate in some way. (PRIORITY)
  3. L-Lower damage of Hemorrhage. For a homing that slows on hit and bleeds why is it 11 spell damage. Not even blocking matters after the wind-up...
Right, I think that's all. I know some of this might sound cringe and I'm kind of tired but oh well, I tried. I just wanted to bring this to people's attention since it can go unnoticed unless we have a salty someone cry about it after they died to it. Thanks for reading. Oh, also keep salt out.
[Image: cLqE2F8.png][Image: 6a80e83f676006462821fa550d8d8339.png]
Nerf the mage options, buff the melee ones. Blood melee got shafted with the huge whip nerf, miasma bug fix and bleed damage reduction. Blood Vapor and Blood Bomb being added to the tree just solidified it as a kite mage tree. Everyone knows kite mage is lame, therefore blood is lame. Ew!
Dour Javelin won't bleed if ur using blood aura.
Also to add on because I forgot. Hemorrhage always applies 'Rot' which increases damage to the opponent by 10%. That added onto the 10% AP they're getting because of the spell also applying bleed is INSANE! Well, not over-dramatically insane but I've yet to see that from any other single spell. Cause technically if we consider, it's basically giving you 10% AP and removes 10% DR from your opponent. I'm sure someone is going to be out there and say. "Oh! But it's an intermediate spell." Well, that's all fine and dandy but I pretty sure I did not ask and for an intermediate spell that costs 15 RPP, that's pretty damn strong.
[Image: cLqE2F8.png][Image: 6a80e83f676006462821fa550d8d8339.png]
It should be noted that blood vapor's bleed length is too short for it to be possible to hit the target with another ability before it ends unless you're using the caster q ability to reduce GCD, or there's a pre-cast AoE ability active already. Scarlet Darts bleed is for 3 ticks, the first tick occuring on-hit - it is possible to take advantage of this bleed's +10% damage, but difficult.

Hemorrhage's bleed is much easier to take advantage of, however, and lasts for quite some time.
Time to bump this because I'm toxic.
[Image: cLqE2F8.png][Image: 6a80e83f676006462821fa550d8d8339.png]
all my homies say fuck blood
leave us alone...
[Image: unknown.png]
Blood is still problematic.
Why is Aera still a thing anyway?....Are we really going to let wind get free 20-30% ap? I just need to know.
nerf aera
nerf hemo
nerf darkness
nerf blood aura
fix gravity bomb

fuck blood all my homies say fuck blood
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh

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