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Housing Suggestions
Hello, and welcome to my TED Talk!

What's the deal with Airline Food? But really, what's the deal with housing?!

Okay, so - Houses cost 10k. Ouch, that's a bummer! But it's an acceptable bummer, you know? Put money in, get something back. Lose, win, it evens out. What doesn't even out, however, is that if you miss a single day of rent, the house is taken from you without getting any of that money back!

If we're talking realistically, 10k is a lot of money for players to save up! When you lose a house in real life, you don't simply get kicked out [In most cases!] More often than not, the Government will sell your house/belongings, take the money you owe out of that and you'll receive the rest. To simulate this, you should give players back 70-80% of what they initially paid for the house.

Also, this is a more of a 'eh, maybe' suggestion, but if someone doesn't pay their rent for one day, alert them if they're in the game or alert them once they join the game and give them that day to pay for not only yesterdays rent, but also today's, so they don't lose the house. Give some leniency with the system, it'd help a lot! 
One building at Port costs 1e+06 coins.

A suggestion is to make buildings smaller, divide large buildings into separate rooms for rent (36 sq. tiles, up to 100 sq. tiles)
The super expensive ones are earmarked for guilds and the like.

There, uh, probably should be a better way to actually announce that, though. Given it's done by warpers, just a special warper that says it can only be applied for or something.

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