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To Purge Corruption
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After some years of quiet peace, the Coalition's agreed expiration date nears, and with it, the High Lord of Myllenoris makes a clear and resolute command.

With the fall of another witch, some information came to light.
Hades Task, while the reason we managed to capture and execute the witch Nephele Edwards, confessed to several egregious admissions of his own, the most notable of which being that of operating with 'rogue mimics'.
Following in that condemnation of the young woman proved true, it's with some trust that I recognize all else he said must have been honest, and in that honesty I find the problem.
In my childhood, Theria became a nest for those who would sympathize with the witch and the overwhelmed occultist.
In the modern age, rumor of demon allies hiding within their tunnels has spread far and wide.
And with the revelations of Dun Task's offspring, I now recognize that the north has gone untended once again for too long.
The snows and the ice of the mountain prove to be a place where some of our common law and moralities are forgotten.
Will the Fireblooded defend Nebula Lockwood's black-blooded abominations?
Or can I trust the north to do what is right in handing them over so that Esshar can be rid of this scourge forever...
Theria, specifically the Task family, has until 1753, upon the Coalition's dissolution, to answer for the accusations leveled against their family for conspiring with the Coven and its Helspawn by surrendering every mimic they're currently aware of into Myllenoris' custody.
(Finn Ghede)

In addition to this proclamation, Myllenoris is now officially announcing its Demon Hunting efforts.
Bounties are free to be collected for those who bring proof of their continued fights against the monsters in the dreaded and darker corners of Esshar.
Any piece of a demon's body will fetch a price, though the head will yield the greatest reward.
Returning Hunters will receive greater prizes.

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