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It Ain't Over 'til it's Clover
"The Dwarf told me that these things are bringers of good fortune. They were hunted once upon a time because wherever they went, Luminite grew. Clovers grew. But they are nearly extinct, apparently. They were granted a domain in the Spirit Realm - but can be tracked down fairly easily by energy magi such as ourselves. " -Hades Task
[Image: 8C0Jz0i3Qf6MsHvZlXx1Mg.png]
Character Name/Contact Info: Revan Task/ Sugar#7568
Event Synopsis: Travelling through a rift to Uraheim, Revan and company search through the vast waters and dense mist of the Winter Realm in search for a sanctuary that may contain the endangered Axolotls. Either by showing their might, or perhaps some other form of cunning, they hope to acquire a mass of Luminite and Clovers as requested for their Employer. 
Objective: Traversing through the Spirit Realm to find endangered Axolotls
Tone: Whimsical, Spiritual, Fun, Spooky mist, with hints of ethereal danger or a riddling challenge 
Extra Attendees: 5 other members of The Dragon's Tooth Guild
Rewards: Gather a nautical buttload of Luminite/Clovers and possibly an Axolotl Leg
Risk: TBD
Dm: Searching for one <3
Fenes was part of the meeting for this One- She was already rather excited to go on this little venture, along with the end objective given.
Also... She wants to protect the other guild members taht will be here, her friends.

Fenes Will go- Thaaat's it.
Astrid's geared up and ready to go!
Bump! Still looking for a DM, I promise I'll love you forever <3
By the humble request of my friend, I will be sending you all to your deaths.

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