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Let's talk about Cooking
This came up to me earlier, but it really struck me as I realized that the greatest perks of Artificery and Cooking are essentially the same.

The only real reason, beyond RP, to be an artificer and to pay 15 RPP is to ensure you have an ultra in every slot.

This is what you get from rocking, after 50,000 crowns for a Gold Anvril and rolling a 5% Ultra rate 4 times:

+5 Pow (Weapon)
+3 VIT (Chest)
+2 VIT (Pants)
+1.5 Pow (Amulet)

For a total of 11.5 Stat Points

Cooking, on the other hand, at 100 cooking power can generate a burger with 6 VIT 5 POW.

15 RPP of Artificery is matched by a single boiga. Now you can say 'but they stack' and you're not wrong!

It just feels weird that the perks of being an artificer, spending 15 rpp, are matched by a man cooking up a fiendish Wopper.

I'm not sure if this menas Ultra benefits should go up, or cooking benefits should go down, but cooking is giving a crazy amount of stats on demand for what is effectively free.
I feel like artificing should be more valuable comparatively, but I will say that cooking is far more difficult to improve. To get 100% cooking requires a minimum of 500 hours with your character, and getting a power buff is completely random. (I want to say at 100% it appears to be in the 10-20% range for it to proc at all.)

On the other hand, Ultra is reliant on your anvil not your trained skill, and it is similarly completely luck-based. So, coupling the fact that without artificing, you don't even get the base equipment, ultra not included, I honestly feel like things are sort of fine right now.

At worst, cooking should be nerfed, but I think I'm fine with it.

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