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The Shadow of the Magi Slayer
[Image: enrico-ottini-senza-titolo-3.jpg?1522676255]
"For Centuries, Those gifted with magical affinity have ruled over the populous... Now is the time... To strike back." - Radagast before the Failed Non Magi Rebellion of 1522AC

For the past two years, Astrid has been training her body to peak physical condition in order to master how to fight with both blade and fist in combat. Seeking a way to strengthen her pugilistic ability against more magically inclined counterparts, she seeks to find a legendary set of gauntlets worn centuries ago by the notorious Rebel.... MagiSlayer Radagast.

Bringing nothing but her grit and a few loyal companions, she intends to make the trek into some of Esshar's oldest ruins. But it will be no easy feat however... As the phantoms of the vengeful rebels yet plague their ancient fortress....

Tone: Spooky, Adventure,
Attendees: Dragontooth Guild
Difficulty: High COI/Low COD (Pending on DM Decision)
Rewards: Ancient Magi Slayer Gauntlets [Hand Slot][First Tier Event chain item], Whatever the others want

Interested? Contact me Here! : Literal Ramen Noodle#4975
Fenes will join This first quest - she's gotta protect her guildmates after all!
Revan will lend his strength
I'll dm this

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