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Make fighting styles intermediate
As of now, all public fighting styles can be gained for 20 RPL.

They give far more then 20 RPL worth of stats. If intentional, it is everyone's best interest to grab a style. If not, it should be marked intermediate and have those with it either refund or pay the rest of it.

It's likely highly unintentional that such powerful things can effortlessly be dipped into.
As much as I want to disagree with Peep here, given I fully intend on grabbing a style myself at a later date, once my hotbar is more or less set in stone. Yeah, unless it's meant for everyone to have easy access to a bladestyle, it'd be best if Bladestyles had a slightly larger restriction to grabbing them, aside from dash strike.

Perhaps you could require Fatal Strike, Phantom Strike or Hundred Cuts be purchased to grab it, or- as Peep put it, put them as Intermediates, thereby requiring a 60 rpp investment.

Also, for that matter. I feel like the Intermediate styles should probably be bumped up into being 'Exalted' in status, they're stupendously powerful when you think about it.

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