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Fire and Blood
[Image: EH44YrG.png]
【  F I R E    A N D   B L O O D  】
Ravens depart for Theria, bringing the message to all, but particularly Magne Kriemhild. As decreed by the Fireblooded, a standing Dragonlord can only lose their position if taken in single combat against a Therian or they resign from duty. The challenger is Sythaeryn Vartuul, a drakanite, the Guardian of the Dragon Emriss, a man that's claimed the lives of more enemies of Theria than any other. He rides to the north with his guard and three shadowmancers behind him.

His message reads:

"My claim is simple... The mountains of my homeland that I've served faithfully will be the staging ground for great expeditions into the east with the support and blessings of the Coalition, where the halls of Sluthia await us, the ruins of Rhoynur, the riches of Barsburg. And perhaps even the shadow lands themselves if we're to be so bold in this new age."

"No man or women that has ever fled from Garljing has lived. At that point, you're prey. But when you raise your sword and show him your heart, you've become a challenger and his flames may give you life rather than snuff it out. And it is by the rites of Fire and Blood that I challenge the Dragonlord Magne Kriemhild to single combat. Should I lose, my life is forfeit. Should I win, I resume my place as Dragonlord. Those that attempt to meddle or intervene in this dishonor themselves and what Theria stands for: Glory and Strength."

"When the sun departs over the mountain with the month's end, I return."

[Image: unknown.png]
(4PM EST - Today)
【  S M O K E    A N D   A S H  】

[Image: 1NkJScB.png]
Two Dragonlords died during the challenge, with Rinn being slain by the occultist Mihalis, the descendant of Warlord Sajid. Magne was defeated in a hard fought battle by Sythaeryn, and after her final words, the dragon Emriss snapped its jaw around her neck and consumed her flesh in a gruesome display. But the newly anointed Dragonlord spoke of the future and what to look forward to - Promising great expeditions into the east where the mountains will be the staging ground to retake lost Essharan territories against the Barsburg empire, and all the sights and adventures between them. What becomes of this is uncertain, but the old ways have certainly been restored.

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