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Given Anew, Restored
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During autumn of the year 1743AC, the Occultist Blyze died. No longer shackled by which plagued him, he's given anew, reborn in the outskirts of Nysea by Stellus Del mer Joyau. An exorcism, a real one preformed and witnessed by a few intrigued villagers and those of the Order, Cadets and Knights. He lives now, free from the binds of ouccltism, free to make his own decisions and live happily.
"Repent, then turn to the heavens and cosmos, seek the Angels and Leonaus, so that your sins and transgressions may be wiped out, that times of refreshing and rebirth may come from that divine, from the Creator."
  "He feels it. The purge of what he is no longer. Never again will his path be blackened, his mind tainted with foul thoughts... May his heart rise. Let him feel new blood course within him. A new life, something else to live for and path for himself..."
  "Be reborn now, Blyze... Be free from what shackles you... No longer will you carry what burdens you with that name... Bury it. Blyze is dead..."
The Stellus of the Essharn Celestial Church, the only one, the True one, offers redemption. It's been given to the King of Esshar, it's been given to Blyze. It will be extended to all. Occultists are welcomed to venture to Nysea and seek out its Stellus for cleansing. They will be welcomed with open arms, restored. All should follow in the steps of the Kitsune, see themself turned on a path with a light at the end. Such will be possible should they accept the hand of the Stellus.
Such calls go out to those like the occultist Mihalis, Tieru of Myllenoris. Any youth who've, unfortunately, fallen into an abyss, forced now to walk a dark path.
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