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The Empire of Barsburg
[Image: ToAsyzh.png]

The Barsburg Empire is one of the main political powers in Eternia. A vast empire that was originally a republic governed by a senate, the rise of the military with the threat of the neighbouring country, Aen, caused a gradual shift to an imperial system. They began to invade and expand their reach throughout the continent, becoming a primary super power in the early 1700s, and even making a bold (but ultimately unsuccessful) campaign against Esshar, and the Petrakis dynasty. They nonetheless managed to capture and maintain three Essharan cities following the war, granting them a foothold and a threatening presence in the country.

Members of Barsburg's military are easily identifiable by their black leather uniform with gold trimmings, as well as their extensive use of magitech, including armored mounts. Infantry typically carry a hand blaster that fires low grade magical projectiles. Citizens are fiercely loyal with nationalism at the front and center, enjoying the privileges that the relentless drive for advancement has granted them, and the binding belief that the world should be united under one state. 

( OOC: This thread will serve to document public world events & dungeons related to Barsburg. )
OOC: Seeking reliable DMs to assist me in running this event chain. The focus won't just be on Barsburg, but the journey through their territory and dungeons as the conquest reaches out faraway. Shoot me a DM if you'd like to help!
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Rumors of a chiron-powered golem that was the size of a small moon spread throughout Esshar, requiring the combined might of over thirty magi to whittle down to a defeat. A warning shot?

At the same time, a dragon was slain in the Therian mountains by an elite force of Barsburg infantry. 
Key Points of Interest in the Coalition's Military Campaign

Tower of Titans: Guarded and occupied by a group of steel giants.
The Weeping Mountain: A large, volcanic mountain that a primordial was sealed into, its power siphoned off and used as fuel for the invaders.
Industrial Stronghold of Taros: Considered a prized asset of the Empire, this mass producer of weapons is likely to be the final stop and the stronghold of the legendary Rhoynish-blooded General Arlea. 

The Coalition's forces amass with a trained army of eight-thousand strong, beginning the campaign at the Tower of Titans upon setting up fortifications along the eastern mountainside. If you'd like to be a part of teams during this expedition, sign up here

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The City of Achyon


News from Achyon rings out across the continent of Esshar- a failed liberation attempt by King Alexander Petrakis, his envoy, and the loyalist rebels who remained within the Barsburg controlled city. It is said that Commander Griselia Marrow, direct subordinate of General Arlea and the current wielder of the legendary sword Dawnbringer, made a bold proclamation that Barsburg would never fall to the likes of the Essharan people, nor would they bend should the Coalition attempt anything on their territory.

The uprising ended with a duel between Aerys Astor and Commander Marrow, Radiant Astor falling in battle. A defeat on behalf of the forces of Nysea, the fortress city of Achyon remaining firmly under control of the Empire of Barsburg. Refugees still loyal to the Crown successfully escaped to the village of Nysea, under the lead of King Alexander himself. 
[Image: StarcrusherGif.gif]
Barsburg Strikes!
Following years of silence, the Empire strikes back.
A fleet of Empire ships was spotted near the Ilburgian coast early in the morning. They set their anchors that same evening just off the southern coast, and sent forth a magitechnical colossus. It engaged in conflict with gathered coalition forces where blood was quickly spilt, though through combined might was it laid low.
It did not lay quietly. The giant began to gather power, preparing to self-destruct, but several quick-thinking magi sent it flying back over the cliff towards its Barsburgian masters. It was deflected mid-fight by Empire magi and the explosion quaked the ground despite the effort. That effort seemed to send a message however, as the Empire fleet retreated following the explosion.
A victory was had over the Empire of Barsburg this day.

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