05-09-2020, 02:20 AM
![[Image: e83288bac51331a081278473b87edaaa.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e8/32/88/e83288bac51331a081278473b87edaaa.jpg)
The League vs. Osrona
The Incursion (Pt. 1)
1738-1739 AC
Following Alexander Petrakis' refusal of Myllenoris' demands, the League composed of Myllenoris, Theria and Ilburg advances onto Osrona's lands in a campaign of conquest. The kingdoms of Myllenoris and Theria have called upon their lords to rally the full force of their soldiers. Between the two kingdoms, twenty thousand men have been levied. Ilburg boasts a few more thousand men, mostly independent Rhoynish bandits and mercenaries eager to repay Osrona for decades of slavery and oppression. The war effort against the Empire of Esshar has gained the support of many independent fighters; influential magi that fight for money, their own principles, or for the sheer thrill of battle.
The war that started off between Myllenoris and Osrona has turned into all-out conflict involving every major faction in Esshar. The armies levied by the League, though enormous and nearly evenly-matching Osrona's, are split apart. Myllenoris is attacking from Starfall, luring the brunt of Osrona's armies to defend the bridge pass. Meanwhile, Theria proceeds from the west into Osrona's territories to besiege the border. Ilburg attacks from the south.
Regardless of the outcome, many of Osrona's territories will be razed, conquered and pillaged. Villages destroyed. Cities decimated. Thousands of lives will be lost. Famines caused by the large-scale movement of armies, creating a vacuum of food wherever they march. Many tens of thousands in the Empire's borders will flee to the Shimmering City itself for protection, likely causing a crisis of migration.
Rumors spread. There are terrible wraiths and phantoms on the side of Myllenoris, hungry for blood and the carnage that follows war. Hushed whispers allege that entire brigades of soldiers are disappearing come every full moon. Gone, without a trace.
On some nights, the children say they can see black, faceless men stalking the woods beyond the villages.
The most terrible magics the Teraphim hold, finally put to the test in this incursion of Osrona's lands.
If Osrona fails to fend off Myllenoris and her allies, the war will come to the Shimmering City's walls directly. The final battle will take place, then.
A message has been released from the great Tower of the Valeborn in Moonfall Valey:
On some nights, the children say they can see black, faceless men stalking the woods beyond the villages.
The most terrible magics the Teraphim hold, finally put to the test in this incursion of Osrona's lands.
If Osrona fails to fend off Myllenoris and her allies, the war will come to the Shimmering City's walls directly. The final battle will take place, then.
A message has been released from the great Tower of the Valeborn in Moonfall Valey:
Quote:"Our demands for peace, now, are simpler:
Alexander and Nebula Petrakis surrender all claims to the throne of Osrona. Abdicate, and enter exile. Marie Petrakis, preferably, becomes Queen regnant of the Empire of Esshar. All captives released unharmed, from all sides. Osrona pays restitution of one-hundred and eighty-thousand gold to Myllenoris for the violation of the Treaty of 1733 with insufficient cause.
The titles of Regulus ven Grimmore are returned to him, and he is formally pardoned of any crimes he is alleged to have committed.
Theria, Ilburg and Alabastre; members under the protection of the League, are to be recognized as independent, sovereign kingdoms. Osrona will surrender all lands that it claims to hold that are under the protection of the League.
These are the terms. If King Alexander continues to refuse this, and forces us to besiege the walls of Osrona directly, then we will intensify the demands. This shall include the demand for Alexander's execution, and not just exile.
Osrona would be wise to heed this generous offer for peace. No lives need be sacrificed for the Petrakis dynasty."
- Asta Hargrave, High Lord of Myllenoris
Quote:Date: Wednesday (May 13th), 6PM EST / 3PM PST
Sides: The League (Myllenoris | Theria | Ilburg) / Osrona (+ allies)
OOC: This battle is the decider for a siege against Osrona. If Myllenoris is victorious, they may proceed. Let us know your preferred style of battle for this here: https://strawpoll.com/2zh81pdb