05-06-2020, 10:28 PM
On hit effects have been misleading what they say they will do, and what legacy skills show them doing.
Toadstools, Nightshade - Only Apply on strike.
Lightning and any aura with lightning copied code - Thorns only apply on strike.
Energy aura's silence chance on strike.
Energy Overdrive aura's shock wave only on strike.
Bar Toadstools, Nightshades. Everything applies on skills with strike code, IE Jab.
I Just think it should be reworked, this is how things get fazed out of the game or just become obsolete overtime if they aren't brought up to speed or reworked.
Simple rework should be extending the code for these to work for all melee skills, not just strike. The damage from these things don't justify using strike to proc them either way.
Toadstools, Nightshade - Strike Armed
Toadstools, Nightshade - Double strike Armed
Toadstools, Nightshade - Couple Armed abilities
As you can see, It doesn't proc on anything but strike for armed.
Lightning Aura - Strike, Double Strike Armed
Same as before, doesn't proc on anything but strike.
Lightning Aura - Strike, Jab Unarmed
Now here, Unarmed users get some benefit. Most, only most of the unarmed skills proc it.
The same persists for Energy aura, and anything of the sort. (Like bleed/poison tags on weapons.)
I would go and list everything but I'm pretty sure this will remain as is for some time. Just pointing it out.
Toadstools, Nightshade - Only Apply on strike.
Lightning and any aura with lightning copied code - Thorns only apply on strike.
Energy aura's silence chance on strike.
Energy Overdrive aura's shock wave only on strike.
Bar Toadstools, Nightshades. Everything applies on skills with strike code, IE Jab.
I Just think it should be reworked, this is how things get fazed out of the game or just become obsolete overtime if they aren't brought up to speed or reworked.
Simple rework should be extending the code for these to work for all melee skills, not just strike. The damage from these things don't justify using strike to proc them either way.
Toadstools, Nightshade - Strike Armed
Toadstools, Nightshade - Double strike Armed
Toadstools, Nightshade - Couple Armed abilities
As you can see, It doesn't proc on anything but strike for armed.
Lightning Aura - Strike, Double Strike Armed
Same as before, doesn't proc on anything but strike.
Lightning Aura - Strike, Jab Unarmed
Now here, Unarmed users get some benefit. Most, only most of the unarmed skills proc it.
The same persists for Energy aura, and anything of the sort. (Like bleed/poison tags on weapons.)
I would go and list everything but I'm pretty sure this will remain as is for some time. Just pointing it out.