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By Sunsets over Moonlight
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Sunsets over Moonlight is...
...a Faeborne born in around the 2050s in Delphina. They developed an extreme case of amnesia towards the end of 2071AC, losing memory of everything in their life prior. Thus, their life began in earnest in the year 2072AC. They live in Dal’Thala but travel very often. They have received their medical license as of 2076AC and have taken keen interest in dreams. It was not until a few short years before that in 2074AC that they began relearning magic, now mostly competent
 with manipulating ether, starlight, and shadows. Like the shining rays of the sun and dark side of the moon has manifested itself within them on an etherical level.
Their name origins are not native to Delphina culture but rather a name gifted to them. They feel this connection with the celestial bodies over Eternia, the watchful gaze of the moon, sun and stars. Described by others as thoughtful and curious, they hope to continue learning of the world around them and gaining skills to further cement and validate their place in it. Their second literary work touches on life’s doubts, anxieties and joys from a closer scope than their first. Since then, they continuing want to learn and grow closer to themself, their companions, strangers, and their Goddess, Nemea. 
Described as █████ ██████████ ███████ █████████████

 [Image: f2c8541f8f737178503054b1610daf7b.jpg]Living is Beautiful
Published in 2077AC, it stands as Sunsets over Moonlight's first piece of literary work. It is an autobiography about the first five years living as someone with severe amnesia. It tackles various themes such as loneliness, but more philosophical takes on personhood and its legitimacy.
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It Feels So Good to Be Alive
Published in 2086AC after being started sometime in 2079AC, it's Sunsets over Moonlight's second piece of literary work. It follows the themes presented in the first book, but conveyed through a series of poems.
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[Image: 0478a427534b4311ce71c939a91d9851.png] Sun Killer
An upcoming book of poems set for 2091AC, it'll be Sunsets over Moonlight's third literary work and second book of poems. It deviates from their previous naming scheme surrounding living, though in many ways also follows it. Its themes are much darker than their first book of poems.
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Even Though Dying Scares Me
An upcoming fiction horror novel with an unknown projected publication year and synopsis.
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The Delphinian Experience
A history book that records and conveys a century's worth of Delphina's history with contributions from Nelaeryn with an unknown projected publication year.
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Sun Killer will debut in 2091AC
Copies will be sold for one-thousand coin each.
Location: Mestra's Cottage (502, 541, 1) 
Time: Fri 11/17 5P EST
It is announced without much fanfare or flare. 
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all of the things I love,
like the river-
but not losing...
I wish that
and thoughts of
the sun
weren't real.

[Image: 0478a427534b4311ce71c939a91d9851.png]
Sun Killer
As if the moon itself has placed itself in the sun's path, eclipsing its light from shining brightly onto Eternia. A phenomenon, one charted and expected to happen after so many years have passed because it just makes sense. It is expected for the sun to darken during the day at some point in our lives- as well as the moon taking on an eerie red hue once the opposite occurs. 
In preparation for its debut, typical postings find billboards across Delphina and some appear in the Frontier with just a few popping up in the eastern tower of Aegis. One may call it promotional material, but it is a bit eerie and lacking the jovial, almost playful nature of all that's come before. Those postings read as:

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 Kill the sun.
Pluck it from the sky
and grind it into your hand
until it is nothing but
cosmic dust.
What is the punishment for this crime,
if it pleaded with you to commit it?
█████████ ████ ███
Witness its death
and partake it in.
Know it lived,
not only that it died.

☼ ☾  
Sun Killer will debut in 2091AC
Copies will be sold for one-thousand coin each.
Following the debut, copies can be found for sale in Dal'Thala.
Location: Mestra's Cottage (502, 541, 1) 
Time: Fri 11/17 5P EST

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Sun and Moon Tales:
Volume I
The first in a series of fictional short stories written by Sunsets over Moonlight titled 'Sun and Moon Tales'. These stories follow tales that relate to many themes expressed by the Faeborne Goddess Nemea in seasons, cycles, and grief. The first volume was started in 2094AC and eventually published in 2099AC, acting as their fourth piece of literary work after their collection of poems 'Sun Killer' and in anticipation of their horror novel 'Even Though Dying Scares Me'.
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Announced without much accompanying it, the short stories seem to be available in Delphina's markets for 2,000c.
[Image: 0fc021cd8ced066c3fcbe34cd2750fd9.png]
The fifth piece of literary published by author and poet Sunsets over Moonlight. First conceptualized in 2092AC, their third poetry book, Starstruck, was published in 2108AC following after Sun Killer (2091AC). Its big shift in tone is like day to Sun Killer's night. While in line with their previous exploration of self, the lens' color changes, the perspective unlike anything expressed before.

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Sun over the river
that sits next to my father's garden.
I smile, it's small,
for the fourth time
during autumn.
He took me next to the lake
and said that this is dal'thala,
and that is dal'thala
and we are dal'thala;
This is home.

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Starstruck will debut in 2108AC
Copies will be sold for two-thousand coin each.
Following the debut, copies can be found for sale in Delphina.
In tandem with the book's release, the winner of the writing contest will be announced.
Location: Nemea's Temple, Goldenleaf Library (550, 800)
Time: Tues 3/5 7P EST
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Even Though Dying Scares Me
The sixth literary work by Sunsets over Moonlight. Its name scheme similar to their first ever published writing 'Living is Beautiful' (2077). Contrary to its hopeful exploration of new life and dealing with the loneliness that comes with it, 'Even Though Dying Scares Me' ('Dying is Scary') mourns all that made living beautiful as yet another memoir that blends poetry, letter and thought. Likely their more in-depth piece of work to date following a near two decade hiatus.

Only ten copies will be available for the foreseeable future, the vouchers for their purchase hitting the author's stall in Delphina for only a limited time. Given the nature of this release, without an initial proper signing, its requested that there be one voucher per reader and that the intended individual purchases it. Its price unlike any other. Is it the author's renown? Its scarcity? 
Copy vouchers start at 10,000 coin.

Available 7/30

Release date: TBD
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[Image: 4574f8e5975e11ea555b52adfca74a50.png]
With Nothing but Love,
Following the especially unusual and limited release of Sunsets over Moonlight's second memoir 'Even Though Dying Scares Me', they return at some point in the next few years with new material as the rumors go. This one not as restricted and much like their last releases where visitors can purchase copies at its debut and have it signed there. It's unknown why their second memoir had such a strange release. 
'With Nothing but Love,' is said to blend fictional short stories and poetic verse into an uplifting exploration of self not touched on in even 'Living is Beautiful' or 'It Feels So Good to Be Alive'. Themes of confidence, discovery, curiosity all written during the time leading up to Atrellya's invasion on Meranthe. Somehow, despite the odds soon to face the land, they find and nourish a nugget of light so the dark does not consume it whole. This will be Sunsets over Moonlight's second piece of published work to contain fiction and seventh published work overall.

Cost: 5,000c
Release Date: TDB
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[Image: b697174351e42da4d951568e8c56e38f.jpg]
Sunsets over Moonlight is...
...a six time published author who has been writing for the past fifty-nine years. Their books are in some degree of circulation across the entirety of Meranthe. Coast to coast, north, south, east, west, even read at times by some of the most deplorable individuals to grace the lands. Released at a sporadic, jarring rate and tackling personal issues relating to self and understanding, the memoirist and poet decides to host a 'meet and greet' of sorts. Long time fans or those looking to invest in their collection may find this to be the perfect opportunity to ask the author just about anything. There will be opportunities to place orders for Living is Beautiful, It Feels So Good to Be Alive, Sun Killer, Starstruck, Sun and Moon Tales: Volume I. Their latest release Even Though Dying Scares Me, remains at its [increased] fifteen limit cap. As it stands, only two more are available to go into circulation before that fifteen is reached, this being on a first come first serve basis at the meet and greet. The rest, however, have no such limit imposed.

The event will go as followed:

- accepting orders for their current collection
- answering any questions related to books, meaning, inspiration, etc
- brief discussion of their upcoming book 'With Nothing but Love,' and a short sneak-peak of material they have along with answering any questions potential readers may have
 . . . . . . . . .
Costs: 5,000 for orders, 10,000 for the final two copies of their latest release
Location: Delphina
Date: Fri 9/27 6P EST
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[Image: b697174351e42da4d951568e8c56e38f.jpg]
Previews of four seemingly unrelated paragraphs from Sunsets over Moonlight collection of fictional short stories circulate. 'With Nothing but Love,', and so the author does following a few sentences of their opening prologue:
"How I understand myself may come across as cruel. No one knows me better than I and who other than I holds the authority to tell me how I should love myself? The love we give to others differs from the one we give ourselves. Despite living with one body from birth to death, our love for it is not unconditional..."
About Flowers... 
Every summer, Luan and their father took a weeklong trip down south just outside the borders of a coastal town. Away from his duty and obligations, he forbade any courier deliveries unless it was absolutely dire. Luan, recently twelve years old, was eager to spend more quality time with their father. The two usually stayed at their home-away-from-home built right on the white sands on this yearly trip. This year, Luan's father led them down a different path after exiting the royal carriage and continuing on foot at midday.
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About Performance...
 It had been pouring rain for three days straight. The sky watchers predicted violent storms continuing for a few days longer, sky drowned in dark, dreary, heavy clouds and morale especially low after communicating with priests from the High Temple for further insight. "The Goddess turned sour after an inadequate performance from the heir of the throne, Jeo'vani aen Padali, at the colosseum battle against the Empire. We have not seen such rage like this in decades." commented the Reverend Priestess, hands grasped tight, digits deeply woven together.
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About Service...
After the Great War, I retired from the Mage Association and started teaching privately in the west of the Kingdom. Had I not retired, the Arch Mage planned to pass his title onto me and instead of offering magic lessons, I would lead the most powerful mages to have ever graced the country. A foolish decision on my part. Rather than surround myself with greatness and legends in the making, I sparsely cycled through human children unworthy of my efforts and time.
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About Prey...
One winter morning, Khesiel woke from restless, skittish dreams transformed into a gazelle in their plush bed. They tensed, bony legs curled underneath their belly and head risen, the neck longer than expected yet the weight it supported light- save for the long, sprouting horns that shoot. Fur patterned mostly white with streaks of pine brown, an unusual color for a gazelle, maybe because their hair is a silvery blonde sort of color already. They yearned to flex their digits, but they felt trapped at the knuckles, its suppressor a dainty hoof tucked out of sight. At their backside, a fluffy tail did wag once, reactionary.
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[Image: b697174351e42da4d951568e8c56e38f.jpg]
It is strange that an additional set of paragraphs circulate at this time following an isolated incident. Likely in a literary magazine of sorts in publication by a group of Faeborne girls employed at the Goldenleaf library. Two of these paragraphs showcasing the settings and build up, but nothing more, likely more confusing to an interested reader as to what the collection is really about. When asked, all that time ago, the author could only describe the excerpts of short stories featured their upcoming fiction story collection 'With Nothing but Love,' with a single word. Its release date not yet shared. Continued, from the prologue:
"I don’t believe anyone is born deeply in love with themself even though, for a while, all we can comprehend is our own existence and that of our mother’s; A consequence of budding ego."
About Remembering...
 Of all ways to spend my break from academy, cleaning out my dead Uncle Escae's house wasn’t high on that list. Instead of vacationing overseas like my peers, my younger sister Tali, my older cousin Ken and I trekked through the middle of nowhere in the forests north of  Sor. I can't remember the last time I saw my cousin before today or my Uncle Escae at that, so why I was there was beyond me.
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About Satisfaction...
At the end of every moon, Nuala cooked dinner to welcome the new phase. Each time the same with little alterations to keep the essence of the monthly ritual. The heat in the kitchen opened up the windows despite it being in the heart of winter. Spiced steam billowed out like smoke from a chimney once they pulled a pan of meat from the burning stove. "Is Maris back yet?" they ask, voice a bit raised if only for their sister to hear them in the other room. The stove's door slammed once they kicked it up, bubbling sauce surrounding the roasted meat as it sizzled and glistened against the light. Nuala quickly and carefully dropped it atop the stove, retracting hands as they shake at the wrist.
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[Image: 4574f8e5975e11ea555b52adfca74a50.png]
With Nothing but Love,
he seventh work of literature by Sunsets over Moonlight, 'With Nothing but Love,' debuts (2162 AC) at its signing held this upcoming winter, or autumn's nigh pass into it. After anticipation, or lack there of, the composite collection of fictional short stories will be available for purchase at its release party. It can be described as experimental, different, honest and lying all at once. Inspired verse and prose come together to form seven unique short stories about,
About Performance...
About Flowers...
About Service...
About Perception... 
About Remembering...
About Satisfaction... 
About Love...
 Vouchers will be available for those who cannot attend the debut, but would prefer a signed copy for pickup at a later date. Fifteen vouchers will be available, along with an unspecified at the debut. Vouchers are limited to one purchase per person. All sales that follow will not be signed. It's rumored that Sunsets over Moonlight might only release four books a century. Is this true?
Cost: 5,000c
March 21st, 5p EST
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