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[Image: image.webp]
After a successful defense, the rallying of noblemen, and mass immigration due to the ramping attacks of magical beasts on the non-magi and magi alike in the surrounding area, Caethir has enjoyed a population boom. Yet- with this comes many unknowns, and rapid growth needs to be accommodated, which is almost impossible to keep track of without any formal records.
As such, Prince Franz has taken it entrust it to an artificer under his employ to conduct a census, to collect information on the citizens of Caethir as to better prepare the Princedom for the future.
Those within Caethir are tasked with sending a letter to Zhanna Illivna with the contents as such:
Are you a crafter of sorts?:
What do you see yourself as, scribe, soldier, or merchant?:
Are you a magi? What magic are you proficient with?:
What are you currently lacking?:
What ambition do you have within the Princedom?:
What ambitions do you have in general?:
Those who write will get a refund of 50 coins, their names marked down in an official ledger, and sorted for inclusion in future projects. And maybe some quality food if its available. Please write legibly, and if unable to read and write, ask a fellow Caethirian for help. Note! This will be cross-referenced with the existing signature on the registry, so no, other nations can't submit false entries.

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