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Forgotten Veil Recruitment Day
Flyers go across many citys- in back allys to the very forests hidden in the brush.

The Veil was having a Recruitment and you may be the perfect one

Yet the letter reads as follows

Do you find life being boring? perhaps you wish to learn magics normally citys don't allow.. maybe you really have a knack for stealing and crime

It matters not where you are from though if True freedom is what you seek then come on down- i think we have the perfect home for you.

You need not be the strongest fighter- the bloodiest of warrior, the sharpest of mind everyone is allowed if they have the strive.

So i ask of you, come pay a visit.. lets talk a little.

Locations of.. Atrellya- the isle as many call it pointing towards it as many people who wish to do crime.

Those who wish to learn more.. darker arts are pushed to learning about this Veil.

The recruitment day.. is soon.


Date: March 5th!

Time: 6:00 PM

where: Atrellya

Discord: Callenthegummy#2745

Or send a letter to Travesty to arrange a scene

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