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The First Gambit: Descent
The Descent

[Image: tower_of_babel_concept_art_by_darkartand...0HNFnYGCgg]

Quote:To my mentor.

It has been too long, but the day is finally coming. A duty, placed upon me by yourself. To delve, to discover, and to reach new frontiers. Where once, it was a measure of passive fruition I now hope to see become the claret call of my life's work. Everyone always had there thing, didn't they? Your Golems. His Creationmancy. Her Spiritcraft. Everyone had their calling, and whilst I have grown, I truly have yet to find mine.

But perhaps this is it. In the depths of those unforeseen areas of Aetius, where dark tides lurk and mysteries lay uncovered.  With the help of others, some who are simple following the beck and call of adventure. Others, who wish to see the old deed done. And others, who join us as a means to a end. And here I am, designated to lead them into the unknown.

Will I be able to live up to your expectations? I do not know. But if there's one thing I must ask myself, like any good disciple, it's 'what am I searching for'?

What do I hope to find?

I suppose, if I were to think on it? Inspiration. Inspiration to push my craft unto the untold. Inspiration to devise the truly unseen powers that are woven in the tower. Inspiration, to discover more on Joseph himself.

Our planning is in the final stages, our names are all-but assembled. And I promise you, my mentor.

Your faith in me will not be ill-placed.

With the tides shifting, with a removal of one duty onto focus of another; the former Consul of Serenity has revitalized the efforts of his tutor Basil Mooney.  A two-pronged desire to scope the depths of Aetius, bearing passage to the 'Reverse Floors' of the tower, areas long since untouched since eldest times. A new frontier to explore, and set stakes in. With the tumultuous but settled aide of a chosen few of Serenity, Jotunheim, and Talguth they desire to see the true lengths to which the reverse floors go. Each, with their own ends.

[Image: image-2025-02-25-131544393.png]

And perhaps, with time and effort; to tread upon the ground where others have failed.

A 8-Man crew composing of Jotunheim, Serenity, and a Gloomlight select. (8 Max.)

CoD (for now)

??? /// Tower Of Aetius Lore (to be discussed)

The Unknown. Lost History. The search for inspiration and new frontiers.

One is required, pretty please with Austeria on top.

Needless to say with developing situations this is probably going to have to be rehashed out, consider it null (for now).

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