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Whispers of a Carnival
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The area around Caethir has become quite busy!
With the construction of a proper castle a year prior,
The influx of new faces and the further cementing of well known ones,
And in celebration of new developments and additions to the Princes' court.
Their loyal Jester,
The Artist Currently Known as Marbles has been hard at work, pitching tents, making deals and fundraising to provide the kingdom, nay the entire continent with an experience not seen in many, many years!

Artists, Thespians, Clowns, And Carnies from the world over have been given missives, requests and invitations to ply their trades and show off what they have to Meranthe's people. To quote.
Quote:"Make people laugh, cry, dance, and make merry!"
"So like the namesake, the Dreamline bomb! This should provide people an escape from the day to day!"
Tents have been erected outside of Caethir's castle to house these glorious performers and there have been teasings that further confirm part of the main event in the carnival this year will be the mysterious, the amazing, the positively tasty! Cheese Trials

With a most honorable mention to the contributions and assistance of a close friend
Pepper de Monteville.
Many are welcome to show off their wit, their pride, and their sense of humor and take part!

A modest sum of 265 thousand coins is promised to people in prizes, among other wonderful additions!

It seems that magic is being used to properly prepare the carnival, as the Jester herself seems to have been tinkering with some portal trappings with some well informed scholars and wayfinders amongst other experts. 

Whatever is planned, it is sure to be a rip roaring riot!!!
So be there or be square!!!

Location: Caethir/Elsewhere!
Date: To be announced!
Time: To be announced!
Invited: Any who would be allowed in Caethir.

In light of the recent announcement of a Pillaging Raid targeting Caethir,
The date of the Carnival is moved up a year, to the following. 
Despite this, more tents have been set up and a troupe of Masked individuals appear to be practicing inside the grounds! They can be seen performing contortions, acrobatic feats and improvisational acting renowned the world over!
Their name?

The Eponymous...
Il Capitan's Masque!

Heralding from Parts unknown, these mysterious artistes, Zanni, Vecchi, and Innamorati respectively are reclusive and hardly receive visitors, rumors about them are numerous, but seem greatly embellished!

The truth is... Nobody from Meranthe has ever seen them perform.
Their number at least seems mostly benign from a look, even giving out gifts to nonmagi that pass by!

It'll most certainly be a hoot!

Date: Saturday, March 8th
Time: 5:00 PM EST
Place: Caethir!

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