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Construction Site
[Image: 1-wagon-train-granger.jpg]
A phantasmagorical wagon train rides through the continent, dragging along any non-magi and wild beasts in its path. The rider of the first wagon, a ghost himself, doesn't shy away from assaulting those who refuse to clamber onto the wagons. The convoy leaves behind a trail of blood, severed limbs, and even corpses—those too weak to withstand the necrotic bouts.

After each week, the wagons find themselves in the Shadowlands, where every kidnapped non-magi is forced to work at the construction site located at 937, 482, 1. The fat, grumpy site's supervisor punishes those who fail to work, while the phantom culls those for whom the punishments aren't enough. The ghost hasn’t directly revealed the site's true purpose, but to every kidnapped non-magi, he asked if they’ve ever juggled knives!

(contact me at discord @garry00800 if you want a scene delaying the construction site or preventing the non-magi from being kidnapped or idk to interact)
[Image: 7b335de5f08acdfbb9ef17f21fafc780.jpg]
A small squad of Jotunheim warriors made an attempt to infiltrate the construction site only to find that it was a sick & twisted circus. A deranged puppet leading the facade of something that should bring joy to others. Instead only brings carnage to the non-magi that were enslaved. While he was sent packing and the non-magi have been freed and returned safely to their homes... he is still out there on the run.

"It's still not over. Not over. Not over!" - Last cries as the slaver fled the area
The giants efforts had significantly reduced the progression of the construction site...
Yet the ghosts persistence endured, and it wasn't long until construction began again.

Though the slaves and slavers were less in number, the disturbance rippled through the shadowlands.
Noticed by its non-beastly residents, action was taken.

Vines rippled beneath the earth, taking down overseers and slavers alike.
Chains were broken and slaves freed by the Pale masked one while the Green haired Wolken clashed against the Ghostly leader.

Through a even battle, the victor was decided, and the Ghast was grounded, for the time being. Searing with agony and found retreating..
[Image: skM08TO.png]
One slave is too much to be overlooked. Yet the world seems to turn a blind eye to the use of Non-magi.
It's unacceptable, and I'll do anything in my power to ensure the freedom of the people, to break the chains of slaves.  
Freedom is for everyone.. 
Choices are for everyone.
You chose to be evil? 
I chose to fight for good.
Face the consequences.
The grounds were left dazzling with the aftermath of battle. 
Structures left unfinished.
Shackles left behind..

Yet a watchful eye would remain. 
The slave master's lack of empathy knows no bounds; the ghost, a battle tool and revived for said purpose, still marches towards his goal, regardless of the setbacks, the cogs of his mind not so sound like those of his magi peers who ravaged his construction site.

The non-magi's faucet is unbridled and eternal, offering as many as Paul wanted and as many his strength could coerce. The construction site remains at the same spot, and even though its numbers got quartered and then emptied, the phantom arrived with a new crop.

Though the construction is a droplet amidst the ocean that is the Shadowlands, it is still an attempt at making the purple lands the place of the continent's relentless freedom.

[Image: 04de2df165b8ee3c66c0e89416eb8492.jpg?ex=...7118e9deb&]
Enslaved non-magi count: 10
In the early hours of the morning, the Captain-General had taken a squad of new recruits out to rescue the slaves- and for a little field experience. The ghost had been pernicious, it seemed- always returning. Though the Specter of Paul was more than a match for the fresh soldiery, in the end he was driven back by Muse Eros before the General himself could get involved, come to settle an old score. All the non-magi were freed again- but doubtless it will return.

Quote:Learn to take a hint.

The non-magi rescued were taken to Martyr's vigil and given medical attention, room and board. Most had come from local settlements. A few enlisted afterwards, while others returned to civilian life. The cruel taskmaster that had been assigned to whip the slaves to work was sentenced and executed by firing squad the next day.

With seeming war brewing on the horizon, the bulk of the Vigil's focus shifts- but an eye is ever kept upon the shadowlands from the faction so near. Despite the rumors, the Order won't stand for such cruelty to the innocent.

(im sorry I dont have an image also tyvm paul for the scene)

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