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Knowledge is The Greatest of Wealth.
[Image: 231414.png]
'Knowledge can sometimes expand in ways we don’t expect. Yet we often confine it within a small box. Where at some point it clash with stagnation. For some, this box becomes inescapable.. for others, it remains fragile , easily broken.' 
That is what I like to think at least.  Since you talked to me during that venture.

Of course there can be types to knowledge. Some can be bad, while some can be good. Bring progression to society itself. Though I have been spending a lot of time reading.. Of what you given me Enarr.  Thinking if anything.  So I think it is about time expanding the knowledge.  

[Image: 2134566.png]
I need to reach the.. Akashic Archives. A place where his knowledge is most carefully cultivated held at such unimaginable heights that it surpasses of mortal comprehension.. A place so well kept hidden that only a rare few have ever known of its existence lie deeply within the realms of Aeitus. 

Despite likely how dangerous it is going to be.

Perhaps.. I can even learn more about your story too huh Lyrienne? 


Atlas Equisol + Selected few ICLY.
Knowledge, Enarr ,Tower of Aeitus, Pantheon, Bonds, Archives, Adventure Time.. Idk haha..
Can be discussed with the DM.
(Can be you. >:) )

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