02-12-2025, 07:29 PM
Flyers are hang up in the citys
"hello eryone. Nera here your local old cat.....well Nera is wirtting this notices and is hanging it up on the citys to Invite you the people. of the land to well....Tell YOUR stroies twoards Artfical Star Regelus....
Nera is thinking taht the small flegeling Artfical star, could use storyes you know like how parents or most of parents tell you bed time stories, like taht i mean it doesnt have to be just stories it can be anything.. worries. goodbyes. talks?!
i just think it is a good idea to let the star wich recvied already so many fragments of spirits and fragments of souls and memories to also hear the storys of the people
Just wirte nera or come visit in Nightview"