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What the Chances Of That Happening?
Chapter 1
The One Which Will Shall Be Known
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After the death of Indra the demon king, things around the world had changed. Vic-thor once a demon with two soul, fused becoming one. Vic-thor no longer a demon nor a magical beast becoming very unstable he stand among the very powerful individuals in a settlement. Vic-thor loyal to none and his hatred toward the barrier with strip his of his race made him sort out improving the way of his living conditions. Vic-thor unlocking his full potential due to the fragment of Toji soul within stand as the apex of normal strength. Unclear about what will be happening, he sets out with only one remark after seeing a challenge. The strong nor the weak doesn't know what kind a mutation is wondering around seeking to kill.
"The strength which this form have must be perfect.... I hope these souls wondering can handle it"

Vic-thor following the memories of Toji Soul fragment wonder which settlement to start with. He try to test out his strength on random creatures and strangers. He say only the world as a challenge but plan on starting small. He doesn't plan to make mistake like his ancestors.
Defeat Three (3) people.
Kill someone and eat their soul.
Defeat a Settlement.
Find away to retain his demonic heritage back.
Chapter 1.5
The Rampaging Beast

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Vic-thor running through the random prey he find walking around the wilderness. Leaving but fear in his path he sets out on targeting a small settlement very soon. After defeating two undead and two humans, he felt like he was warmed up enough for a fight of this caliber. He wasn't sure if the mortals were ready for the dangerous monster which they had made by creating a barrier to seal of his demonic powers and form.
"This form shall become you mortal destruction! Make sure you can handle what you have created. I shall be coming for you"
Uncertain but he felt like his name shall be spreading soon enough and the strong shall be seeking him out.
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Vic-thor on the hunt again would be challenge by quite alot of people. Uncertain about anything else he happened to realize that there was quite a few strong adversary. A princess went and challenging the beast. After facing against the beast, the young lady would lose as her powerful ally try to assist called Mel. Mel was an powerful Ice Swordsmith. After facing the powerful beast Vic-thor came out victorious and lost to an Nephilim which posses holy magic which made the beast really upset which was called Tahuwa which broke his winning streak. An evil smile come across the individual which force the creature to evolve once again.

Now recovering he now's on the hunt for Tahuwa which leave him with a scar. He smiles thinking this individual possess what he wanted. As he march toward a settlement he felt like he might leave some destruction in his path.
"I so love these mortal... Nothing but a challenge to make ones soul excited for the thrill of a fight."
Before he left he notice quite a lot of powerful individual close by watching and felt like he had a lot of work to do before he could achieve back his demonhood.
Chapter 2
The Beast Form
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Fully materialize as a magical beast that is full of aggression but with an demonic core which keep his powers contain been hunted by all but what the human fail to understand he was doing the hunting. Vic-thor becoming the fear of the night destroying and trying to feast on everything will not stop even when wounded he still continue to hunt down the mortals seeking answers. Possessing godly strength at times his body is unable to keep up with the power he possess, he sort to destroy what the human hold dear to them which he see as their homes. He accomplishing one out the many short term goal now he seek to kill and destroy a settlement, while on the hunt he manage to come across an small feline which possess magic which surpass his expectation and fought against a mortal called Retsuki. As he continue to push further in his improvement what they fail to understand is that he was only learning useful technique for there demise.

Quote:"Blood lies within the flesh... Soul lies within the firm on the body... I shall be the shadow which learn nothing but fear.. Your home shall be safe the stronger i get."

An massive howl could he heard all over Meranthe. The hunt as began a settlement was his target as he try to force his demonic power to come out even for a short time.
Chapter 2.25
The Weakest And The Target

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Vic-thor obtaining information about past demons and learning that there was on called Toji which was considered the weakest of them all with extraordinary strength and magical powers made the werewolf wondered why was his soul attach to his body. Uncertain he felt like he needed to get to the bottom of it. While asking about the curse which fall upon all demon race he manage to learn that Vinasake or whatever she was called a goddess was the reason why he lost his demonic features. Holding his demonic core which Toji soul rest he pray upon it hoping he can gather enough strength for the raid he was going to do. He manage to start leave his name in the heart of people seeing how he could hardly see them in the wilderness. He starts to wonder if he should start fighting group of them at once. He wasn't ready as yet but he felt like drawing from the pits of Hel which he remember he should be able to accomplish something great.
"Hehe.. These bugs shall understand that even in group they aren't safe. I prey upon the weakest demon in history name that i shall overcome the challenges."
- Vic-Thor
He felt like he was drawing closer to the soul that reside in his core but he couldn't hand the power it was giving and thinks its time to invade this human land and taking from them as he see them not wanting to fight. He still continue to look for that Cat looking creature and hope to feast on it soul.
Next Target
Goldlight or Gloomlight to find Vinsaka
Chapter 2.75 The Weakness
Vic-thor continue to train himself to be able to do as much as he possible can after facing off against the people that resided in the Pekeo District. He lost very badly but he still did some damage to a few people which wasn't that serious. After leaving and recovering he was been hunted down by the world even his fellow beast men wanted to fight him. Been all alone he continue to focus on improving his way of fighting which he needed work on since he lack the power and body to sustain the perfect form. 
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Vic-thor going around fighting the mortals making little to no progress in leaving his mark in the world ended up in a bind. Been surrounded and having nothing but fear growing in his mind, spirit and soul. Something within him had awaken and took over his body only to confront him.
"How pitiful this is all you can do as a vessel. Seems i must unlock one of abilities for you to use you useless vessel"
- The Soul Within
After taking control over the body, Vic-thor was now able to use aspect of illusion magic which the soul resided him could had used. Vic-thor lost control over his body for a short time and manage to obtain a different look to his form after Shadow magic was used by the next soul that resides within him.
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Quote:"Huh... Why am I shaking.. Oh wait it's just my power been release after taking over this form... These mortal can't have me shaking. It good to be back for a bit."
-Toji Soul

He stare down the person he was about to fight unleashing his powers. It was cut short due to the body of Vic-thor was not able to handle the strain in which he was putting on it. After fading away Vic-thor would continue fighting only to lose again and again and again. He now trying to rest up learning how to use the abilities which he unlocks and push toward Gloomlight his objective.

Vic-thor would eventually go around fighting with the Storm Raven, A few swordsman and try to feast upon few mortal which would come in his path. Until he get uses to his abilities.
Chapter 3
The Predator Strikes
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Vic-thor on the hunt saw a little settlement called 'The Serpent Crown', would raid the place when they were at their weakest. Seeing some undead he starts to fight them all they himself. The massive sound which leave from the battles would wake up the people in the settlement to come look. Children and Citizen watch in fear. Vic-thor looking different appear with the intention to leave nothing but fear and improve himself. He manage to claim Vic-thor over the settlement before one of the elite fight appear to fight. Upon fighting the person it seems quite difficult but he didn't run and ended up losing. Travelers seeing what happen would could threaten Vic-thor about using him as experiment materials and wanting to use his corpse. His howls would leave them stun for a bit as he leave using his shadow powers.
"I shall be back mortal... The Hunt as just begin"

Few Days Pass
While Vic-thor rest travelers looking magical beast to use as material would target Vic-thor threatening him.
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Seeing how they didn't listen even when wounded Vic-thor make himself known to them that he wasn't some weak demonic magical beast. He considered himself the king of beast since there was hardly magic beast giving problem like himself. Fighting countless battle back to back he manage to come out victorious. As he change his resting place he knew that people in group are after in which make him loving what going on.

The Oscuri and Odd Occultic which attack him had something to remember him by because all they could see was a massive shadow claw before been knocked out.

Quote:"HAHAHA, The hunt shall not end here come look for me or i shall look for you mortals!"
The hunt continues.....

Battles 6
5 Victory
1 Lost

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