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Pretty Girls Co.
[Image: 80915990e5cb29e4360a928e4d0af4a0.jpg]
"Have you heard?"
"Heard what?"
"That weird fella, the one with a receding hairline. The one looking for partners and girls, you heard?"
"Heard what?"
"So you didn't hear?"
"He's got enough money for a room in an Arcadia. He filled it with drinks, tables, and pretty girls, and we're a few crowns from kissing them."
Pretty Girls Co.

[Image: vqGeGfv.png]
Roger Barry presents you his tavern, the so-called 'Pretty Girls Co.', where you can go to drink or kiss women, or maybe both if you're feeling lucky. The place is shabby, and is urgently in need of women who are magi, as the visitors truly believe they're the best in Esshar.
The place is located in the leftmost room in the Arcadia tower at 315, 793, 1.
[Image: 1F5if0R.png]
[Image: No_entry.jpg?ex=679581b9&is=67943039&hm=...ormat=webp]

Uh oh...

Arriving to the entrance of this particular room turned into a makeshift establishment is a polite letter, unsealed and open for anyone's reading pleasure, pinned to the door and stamped with a seal only available to the governing office of Arcadia. It reads as follows:

Due to recent reports as to the nature of this establishment, we are forced to announce that it is to be closed immediately. Lacking an official business permit collected from the Arcadian Council, as well as the services provided have been found to be of questionable morality. You are given a brief amount of time to either retrieve your belongings until the room is relinquished, or otherwise invited to discuss the opportunities for different business ventures within Arcadia with Minister Camellia Aubreen.

We hope for your cooperation! Failure to meet these requirements may follow in penalizing measures.
Roger entered the building where his company stood humbly. He was adorned by a stylish, expensive-ish golf bag on his back, and his clothes were ones a businessman would wear to impress a client. A cigarette stood between his lips like it was part of his body, that ever-present poison was a must for such a businessman. Roger noticed a fair amount of his workers crowding the front door, forcing him to stop his anxious legs from moving further.

"What happened? Is it stuck?"

He asked them, only to be assaulted by a violent, yet polite letter on the door. He took his time to read it, squinting, not believing some words, and going back every other sentence to assure himself the letter was telling him to get the fucking out. He clutched his fists, and all his girls looked at him worriedly.

He began talking but hesitated. Silent, he pondered over the situation, and he thirstly concluded that the business ought not to stop. Pretty Girls Co. isn't going down with a fight, and Roger knew, or at least he thought he knew how the magi's psyche worked. It's forbidden, so most family guys yearn even more for it.

He looked at the most amiable of the women, smiling softly. "Sofia, put on a dress and go meet Camellia. Tell her I'd like to discuss business." He looked to the prettiest of them, a woman a man with distinct taste wouldn't bat an eye, but who the average magi would drool over. "Agatha, stay on the front door so people don't think it's closed."

To all the girls, he clapped. "C'mon, we got work. Spread the word-- the girls will remain pretty, and this will remain a company!"

And so he cackled, stubbing out the cigarette on the letter.

[Image: c787c2c242006245f8b3d03516df3d50.jpg]

(roger isn't going out my discord is garry00800 if you wanna have a scne)
[Image: Public-Notice.jpg]
A public announcement would seemingly be made as word would spread claiming to still be a business. It was short and sweet, mostly directed towards Roger themselves
As a gentle reminder to you before you attempt to operate Pretty Girls Co. from last we spoke, as it remains currently by the decree of Minister Camellia, myself Councilwoman Iane, and Keeper Svengalf, any operation of this business without a authentic Arcadian business permit and until your business is fundamentally altered to adhere to Arcadian morals, shall be considered unlawful.

Pretty Girls Co. until further notice shall continue to be considered Closed and Unofficial until you speak with Minister Camellia.
Any attempts to run this business as it is before the above terms are met will result in your detainment should you refuse to vacate willingly and at the very least, a hefty fine for promoting degeneracy amongst our lands.
[Image: 7bwckab56n7.png]
A swarm of drones buzzes around the landscape, attaching papers to public bulletin boards.
What are they up to? It appears to be a review of some sort from that Masked Chronicler fellow.
Upon my encounter with this peculiar individual, an entrepreneur brimming with charisma, I was taken aback by his eloquence as he extolled the virtues of the tavern he was promoting. His attire was rather tattered, lending him an air of someone in desperate need of patrons.

However, upon stepping into that den of indulgence, I found myself utterly stunned- as my companion was poised to confront this Roger character with lethal intent.

Nevertheless, setting all that aside, though I only partook in drinking alcohol-

I would rate the experience a modest 5 out of 10.
It was, after all, merely "adequate."

This... weird tavern..

- Jaherr Valkynia
[Image: p0bkpvy3.jpg]
Right in the beginning of the year of 2155AC, the people of Arcadia have witnessed an odd scene in the central place near Solais. As the Minister Camellia and Roger were discussing about the state of the establishment, the populace could witness a muscled intervention from the local guards, seizing Roger after the discussion envenommed.

Therefore, with the failure to respect to the demands established by the Council of Arcadia, Pretty Girls & Co is closed permanently, and the room evicted.

While Arcadia indeeds struggles with a burst of of overpopulation, it is understandable that many of the inhabitants are in need of coins to establish themselves.
Altough, the 'previous ''workers'' of this establishment will be offered proper works and preserve their dignity and morals within the Arcadian culture, either in the clergy, in the fields, or as apprenticeships from other artisans.

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