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In The Time Of Need...
[Image: card-k71P1-art_crop.webp?ex=6787dc90&is=...ormat=webp]

Quote:Light follows in the wake of the defeat of Indras at the hands of Meranthe's finest, dating back precisely ten years ago, in 2143 AC. But though a new dawn had arrived to the land, bringing with it the Spring of Rebirth, peace yet eludes the people of Meranthe, remnants of the Atrellyan forces and all adjacent Fel combatants fighting bitterly with all their might. War may well have never ended at all, but life, nevertheless prevails. It is in the hopes of carrying on this new dawn that certain arrangements must be made.

From Enobora, valiant warriors and priests who allay the dead are called to aid Arcadia. Appealing opportunities and gifts provided by Keeper Svengalf Sandsker are put to use, with a diplomatic mission organized by the newly-minted Minister Camellia Aubreen. Brave Wolken who wish to bring the fight to the Arch-Enemy are invited to Arcadia, as they were times before - provided with the means to travel, and promises of more to come, should they accept to travel so far away from home. So, too, are their Priests of Caius extended a welcome to ensure respects are paid to the dead, and bring peace to those yet living.

But the home front in of itself is not lacking in opportunities for heroes and brave souls to be called forth for the sake of prosperity of the burgeoning city of Arcadia. A request is made to their primary patron, Koretheia, the Maiden of Spring: to beseech a soul from the Vale of Forgiving Light to join them in the mortal realm, as an Aerodyne to help spread the Song of Harmony. But so, too, similarly, for those blessed individuals already in Arcadia, there is encouragement to join the ranks of the Choir of Joy. Though the Goddess herself may be occasionally present in the life of these dedicated Aerodyne, most of them would mostly be mentored by Camellia Aubreen, Tiche Alline and Yejide, the Radiant songbirds within the Choir.

Many different people yet comprise the population of Arcadia. Beyond the Wolken from Enobora and the Aerodyne of Koretheia, there are many other people that call this pastoral city their home. Many of them end up making up the ranks of Militia, dedicating themselves to the various patrons prominent in the city: the Maiden of Spring herself, Alacritas, Caius.

In short, you may be one of the following:
  • An Aerodyne dedicated to Koretheia, most likely an initiated songbird within the Choir of Joy. You could have arrived from the Primordial's realm, given a mortal shape and form, or you could have been an Aerodyne that has grown up in the city.
  • A Wolken who has answered the call, coming to Arcadia all the way from Enobora, be it to take up the fight against the Arch-Enemy, spread the word of Caius, or both;
  • An individual of almost any other species(that can regularly spawn in without RB requirements; the only one exception are Aerodyne as mentioned above) who has grown up in Arcadia and follows a path to give back to their home, one way or another.

You will have:
  • 180 RPL to get started with.
  • A choice between medic, priest, and a soulbound weapon, as you deem appropriate given what background you select from the options above. You can only have one of the three, however!
  • Caring, attentive mentors, depending on what background you choose.
  • Resources and equipment shared, as is appropriate for any other who takes up a duty to help defend Arcadia, or otherwise contribute to its mission.

There are 3(three) slots. If you are interested, feel free to reach out to lostrozen on discord!
All 3 slots are taken... thank you all for applying.

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