"Answer me, chosen of Old, may this
Call of Dominion
deliver salvation once more."
Flags rise in the Western Desert, tents joining them in short order, a site for construction forming upon the dunes of the Expanse. Among them the banners of House Godwin, long believed dead, their presence unseen in the blossoming city-states which came in wake of Aen's disaster. After near a decade of rumors, their Heir declares herself amongst the camp of the Old Orthodoxy, calling banners to the land of Meranthe. The Crown of Aen pleads to bolster those who remain loyal, conjoining the Royal family's struggle with the Oaths of Old, the Old Orthodoxy and a Call of Dominion being parts of this effort. The threat of Azrael is seen, the weakened Empires of Mankind acknowledging it in kind. One can only Hope their mobilization serves sufficient.
"Worry not, people of Meranthe, our flags do not signal occupation.
Long has the threat of chaos, necromancy, and the void beyond loomed over this land of Eternia,
enrapturing the lives of many in bloodshed, suffering, and hedonism alike.
It is the intention of Godhede, our sacred Old Orthodoxy, to secure the lands of mankind once more.
In the coming years your faith will be tested. Stand true. Do not waiver.
Find Hope in Life and Peace in Death."
enrapturing the lives of many in bloodshed, suffering, and hedonism alike.
It is the intention of Godhede, our sacred Old Orthodoxy, to secure the lands of mankind once more.
In the coming years your faith will be tested. Stand true. Do not waiver.
Find Hope in Life and Peace in Death."
Quote:This is an open plot-hook for the Faithful of the Old Orthodoxy, Aenish refugees, and any characters seeking a direction with similar ideals! It is not an easy role to fulfill and will undoubtedly be met with plenty of opposition, most places in the game will be neutral at best with you and your ideology directly opposes the prominent voices in the region. This being said, there is a foundational well of lore, character development, and narrative opportunity in the role, providing an excellent starting point for an experienced role-player to make a definable difference in the state of the game. Godhede and the resulting creations are neutral in a non-passive way, you are encouraged to stir the pot and antagonize from the narrative angle of a protagonist, be the anti-hero you wish to see! While this is an open plot-hook and anyone interested will get role-play from me when approached, I do stress activity and dedication is important to challenging roles, if you request aid or equipment from me, you are expected to stick around.
Those making will not be provided any RPL boost, but Annabelle will create equipment, enchantments, and other assistance where she can for you. As an early arrival to the campaign you will be given opportunities for advancement and rank, should the faction prove to survive (lol) and grow. This looks good on application resumes and I'm sure you'd enjoy flexing whatever signature you get as a result. Additionally, if you make a fresh character for this role and remain active until 180-200, I will make you a profile for free.
To recap -
- Free gear and enchantments up to mythril.
- Early stock in a high-potential faction with a strong lore tie in.
- Free splash art profile and playby search assistance.
- A peak role-playing experience with yours truly, writer of the Aen lore itself.
- The ability to say you did something risky and cool in a 2D pixel RP game.
- A super spiffy flashy red cloak.
Old Faiths stir. New Empires rise.
DM 'crescentsglow' on discord for any questions or details!