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Behold! Knowledge is Power (??? vs Gloomlight's Library)
[Image: 0d76ccc8461d30b61433f92a44c3a952.png]

Upon the beach of Goldlight is the Gloomlight Library attacked. A crew of few, under the veil of night begin the a delicate weaving of powerful magics: [RIFTMANCY].
How wicked! How foul! The lifestream makes absolutely sure to let everyone know with its cursing and screaming. (for those who know how to translate [LIFESPEECH], it sounds something more like "fuck u!!" and "help mee!!")

Be swift, you defenders few, lest you find a new and quite large (ugly too) crater left upon your beach!  Confused

a small scale raid, featuring: A most wicked ?fairy? and friends!
Objective: Steal the Gloomlight Library (Pillage)
When?: We'll figure this out!
"Intruders, intruders!" yelled a loud voice, echoing in the dark.

At the first hint of trouble, the alarms sounded off. Like clockwork, the Vigil's Goldlight Order stirred to action. With practiced efficiency, despite the time of night, its members donned their equipment and brandished their weapons, encircling the area around the Library. It was certainly an ancient place, a wonder that had survived the cruel passage of time, standing tall and proud. Following Loramelian's demise, it now found itself under the purview of the Order, and so, they had to protect the place -- be it due to sentimental value, the knowledge contained within, or merely to repel the enemies of mankind.

Thus, did they march, led by the recently appointed Knight-Commander of the Goldlight Order.
A synthetic of sorts, known by the code name of Saber.


The Goldlight Order was poised, then.
To receive the enemy underneath the starry sky,
to welcome the sun's rise with swords and shields,
and live up to their oaths, values, and beliefs--

Not one step back.
The Order would not allow themselves to falter.
Not before the opposition.

Defend the Library, and repel the invaders.

(we'll sort out the date soon, stay tuned)
Friday, January 3rd, 2025
5:00 PM EST

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